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    jat247's Clue: Discover the Secrets (Other)

    [January 27, 2011 08:12:02 PM]
    Clue: Discover the Secrets - Friday, January 21, 2011 (Session One and Two)

    Clue: Discover the Secrets is a multiplayer board game for 3 to 6 players. The theme of the game is (murderous) mystery. Players are members of a (6 person total) party held at a posh mansion and one of the guests is murdered. Players must figure out who committed the murder, in what room it occurred and with what weapon. However, as a twist, the longer each player takes to catch the killer the more they risk becoming the next murder victim.

    = Players =

    Each player chooses which attendee from the party to represent and starts at a set position on the board. Each attendee has a unique ability that they can use once per game. These abilities range from allowing the player to start a rumor about the murderer to allowing the player to move instantly to any room in the mansion rather than having to roll until they can move enough spaces to reach the room they wished to enter.

    = Cards =

    Three types of cards exist within the game; character cards, rumor cards, and intrigue cards. Character cards represent one of the party attendees at the mansion and list that attendee’s unique ability. The rumor cards either represent a room within the mansion, a weapon, or a character. The intrigue cards mostly contain unique benefits that can be used once per game to do things like move three or four squares further across the board during your turn. However the intrigue deck also holds 8 instant death cards called the 8th hour cards that make you the next murder victim if drawn, and as such automatically eliminate you from the game.

    = The Board =

    The Board lays out the inside of the mansion and each of its many rooms and hidden passages. It’s broken up into a grid pattern. Players start at their set spots on the board and roll a D6 to see who goes first. Players roll two D6 dice in order to move that many squares (not diagonally) and get to rooms throughout the mansion. The die also contain a “?” that if rolled means to draw an intrigue card. The board also contains spaces on it marked with the “?” symbol. These are a double edged sword since you can either draw a card that will benefit you in some way, or draw one of the 8th hour cards.

    = Game Play =

    At the very beginning of the game a confidential card envelope is used to hold the card representing the killer, the card representing what room the murder took place in, and the card representing what murder weapon was used. The remaining rumor cards are dispersed evenly amongst the players. One of the players’ immediate concerns is to enter a room in the mansion as soon as possible. Each time a room is entered it allows the player to make a guess about who they think the killer is, and what weapon they think was used to commit the murder in the room that the guess is being made from. Whenever a player makes a guess the player whose turn is next must disprove an item that was guessed using one of the rumor cards that was dealt to them. If they cannot disprove any of the guessed items then they must say so and the next person must disprove one of the items, and so on until one item is shown (only to the player that made the guess) to be false. Each player has a little sheet that they mark to help keep track of what has been disproven. It is extremely important to mark the sheet wisely, as it is the only thing you have to keep track of clues as to who the killer is, what weapon was used, and what room the crime was committed in. One of my main strategies was to make a guess that included one or two cards in my hand so that if anyone had a card not in my hand they would be forced to reveal it to me. In this way I was not only guaranteed to be able to make an item elimination but also had the chance of guessing an item no one could disprove meaning that the item must be within the confidential envelope. This strategy also tends to throw other players off and lead them to false conclusions about what is within the confidential envelope. The first session the killer was Plum with poison in the dining room. The second session the killer was again Plum, but this time with a knife in the spa.

    = Overall =

    To be successful at Clue you must have lots of patience, well developed deductive skills, and be very accurate with recording your deductions. One tiny mistake can cost you the game. Clue is my favorite strategic mind game. I love nothing better than to fool other players into thinking one of the rumor cards in my hand is within the confidential envelope!
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    jat247's Clue: Discover the Secrets (Other)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Friday 21 January, 2011

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