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    TheSwedefish's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS3)

    [September 28, 2011 10:56:15 AM]
    Okay playing San Andreas one last time. I started out doing more missions, but even though they were fun individually, they seem to have no real purpose. So far the game seems to be centered around getting an old street gang back together. Why?

    The sense of treading water is starting to get to me. In Vice City, everything you do has some sort of purpose and advances the plot. When the Blues Brothers got their band back together, there was a purpose. The missions in this game seem to just run together in a big jumble of wasted time. Sigh, back to the sweet Gears of War sound of chainsawing locusts in half.
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    [September 27, 2011 01:16:02 PM]
    Today I actually started to play the story mode of GTA: San Andreas. I remember now why I stopped playing before. While I love the game in terms of graphics, controls, and the immense world that you can run around embodied as CJ, the game itself seems tailored to *tick* me the *fruit* off. I can respect how others may label it as one of the better games for the PS2, but it's definitely not for me.

    First off, I'm planning on going into law enforcement, so the portrayal of the corrupt officers in San Andreas hits me on two levels. I don't take video games all that seriously, but there are others that do, so many might take this portrayal of law enforcement as what actually happens which gives what I hope to be my future colleagues a bad name. But, probably even worse, there are actually a very very small amount of officers who actually do act like the ones in the game, which just confirms the stereotype and ruins that field for the rest of the people who just go out and do their job like they should.

    The other part that I couldn't stand was how immersed the game was in rap culture. The way the characters talk, act, walk, and every station on the radio in the game is defined by the culture of rap. As a metalhead, it's definitely something that gets on my nerves quickly. But, I'll keep pressing on in the game, it's easier for me to write when I'm angry.

    This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Sep 27th, 2011 at 13:20:43.

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    [September 26, 2011 06:23:54 PM]
    Ah, back to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. I've attempted to play through this game before, but for some reason got bored of it. Today, I'm not even going to attempt to start the story over, but instead go along with what every GTA player does for more than half of his time: cheat-induced rampaging.

    I was pleased to realize that the cheats I had endeared myself to so much while playing “Vice City” were the same cheats programmed into San Andreas. I also liked, and at the same time disliked, how this game is placed not in a specific city, but in an entire half-fictional (based on California) state, which gives the player endless places to explore and run around in. Sure, headshotting random civilians is fun, hey it's a video game they respawn anyway, I think tomorrow I'll start story mode again and see why I stopped playing through it.
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    TheSwedefish's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS3)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Monday 26 September, 2011

    TheSwedefish's opinion and rating for this game

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