Scarface's Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2)
[September 28, 2011 01:40:55 AM]
Day 3
On the last day, I started to feel annoyed by GTA San Andreas. The game has so many stereotypes, that it is impossible to count them all on one hand. From robbing white people who are sleeping, to picking up fake rappers like “OG Loc”. Who starts to work at Burger Shot restaurant. Nothing about this game seems to be positive for the black or even Mexican race. The game is very simple, Blacks and Mexicans are criminals, whites are police or military. CJ can not even walk down the street without either a gangsta, or a pedestrian making some vulgar comment. This game was clearly trying to target the minority group. I found it even more interesting that the character Ryder looks just like the rapper Eazy-E. Anyone who listen to Eazy-E knows that he has a strong dislike for cops, and sees women as objects for his own pleasure. So to bring in a character like that into the game shows nothing that is positive in the black community. It makes me wonder if CJ was white how would the storyline become affected? Back when I first played the game I was young and was not really thinking about all of the stereotypes in this game, but after viewing it once again I am disappointed on all of the stereotypes that was used. Hopefully in upcoming game they fixed these issures
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[September 27, 2011 08:23:56 PM]
I decided to keep playing the story mode. The mission that I started playing was called, “Drive Thru”. Finally CJ gets his revenge on the car that did the drive by shooting in the beginning of the game. After getting some food to eat CJ and the crew notice the red car, immediately the crew chases after the car. While driving everyone in the car is shooting out the window of the car, except Big Smoke who is eating food. I first noticed that everyone who was involved in the shooting was black. Even the gangs we drove passed were either Black or Mexican. Once the mission was over I went to the gym that was mentioned in between the story lines. You had your weights, treadmills, bike, and free weights. There is also some black guy hitting a punching bag I go up to him and he said, “I’m an embarrassment and to get myself some muscle”. I left the gym and decided to do free roam. After playing it for the second time I really started to know my way around the area where CJ lives. I started shooting police officers, racking up 3 to 4 stars; I was surprised how fast I escaped. One of the times I finally got caught, they took my guns and some of my money. That was a downer, but all I did was run over another gang member and quickly got my guns back. I finally got my spray can back and once again started tagging turf. This was 5 out of 100 buildings tag. The tagging is such a huge stereotype. It seems that every single gang in here must tag in order for their gang to be represented in a certain area. I also realized that mostly all of the prostitutes in the game were black. All of the police officers are white except, the one that is in the story mode, and even he is considered to be a bad cop. This game is so full of so many stereotypes.
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[September 26, 2011 10:47:47 PM]
Day 1
I have already played and beaten Grand Theft Auto (GTA) San Andreas before, but it has been so long ago that the game storyline seems brand new. It starts out with the main character Carl Johnson (CJ) who is coming back to his old city after coming from the east coast. CJ receives a call from his brother that his mother has passed away. After CJ gets his luggage he gets in a taxi that is quickly pulled over by two officers. CJ must have a reputation already; because these three cops whom saw CJ had already knew his full name. By the reaction of CJ, it is obvious that he is not looking forward to seeing these officers. The officers seem to be trying to frame CJ for some murder that is obvious that CJ did not commit. After their altercation he drops CJ off at some alley, CJ notice that this is considered to be Ballas territory.
The Ballas are one of the many rival gangs that is throughout San Andreas. CJ gets on some random bike to pedal back to his neighborhood while riding throughout the city; other gangs are cussing at CJ and even shooting at him, if he stays to long in one of there neighborhoods. The game has so many stereotypical reference, for example all of the baller gang members are black. I already got my first pistol from fighting a Ballas member. I noticed that in these gang neighborhood, their is always a basketball court or some type of beat up cars. I continued playing and I finally made it to CJ house. He goes into his old home and CJ is reintroduced to an old friend named, “Big Smoke”. First mission is to go see your brother named “Sweet” at the cemetery so that CJ can attend his mom funeral. His brother seems to be mad that CJ has been gone for so long. They leave the funeral only to be attacked by some drive-by shooting by the Ballas. The rest of the mission you are simply running for your life on this bike trying to get back to your turf. In the next upcoming mission you basically are trying to make a name for yourself. CJ starts to tag, beat up crack dealers so that Grove Street can once again rise. After 30 minutes of playing it almost seems strange to not carry some type of weapon at all times, but I guess that is due to the environment that CJ lives in. It became very easy to start doing drive-by shootings on other gangs.
This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Sep 26th, 2011 at 23:29:44.
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