jwirtz's Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (PS2)
[September 28, 2011 10:30:14 AM]
Another interesting day on the streets of San Andreas. After I finally saved Sweet and his girl, there was a cut scene about how Sweet doesn't approve of his sister's boyfriend because he is not black. It is a very racist and hypocritical cut scene. My next mission was to go pimp out my ride at a garage in willowfield. After a paint job, I had to go to a gang meeting in my car. However, I lost the bouncing car competition. Only in a game like that is a mission where you have to bounce your car to a beat with some prostitute in the car with you. The one thing that really bothers me about this game was that it just doesn't seem to have a point. I only really played one other GTA game, GTA IV. That seemed to me to be much more compelling. Doing a bouncing car competition at a gang meeting just doesn't cut it for me. I also like how Sweet doesn't give you anything for saving him at the hotel. I understand the premise and idea and how people can love it, but for me, I want a game that keeps pulling you back into that world, and San Andreas does not.
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[September 27, 2011 10:29:41 PM]
During my second day of Grand Theft Auto, it was just another mission to build up your respect. Sweet got caught up in Sevilla and I had to go save him. Its very frustrating when you can take only a couple of shots when you die. What is interesting to me is that CJ is so willing to go risk his life to save Sweet. Its not like they were in Canton, but in Sevilla. After I died a couple of times, I got frustrated and stole a semi and drove around. I think its sad and scary that driving around and running over people and other cars can be a good time. I also went up to some random people and started fighting to see what would happen. I find it interesting that instead of saying "Game Over" or "You're Dead", they say you're "Wasted" when you die. What frustrates me especially with Grand Theft Auto is how the story line is not that enthralling. I'm a fan of games where the storyline is so exciting it makes you want to push through the game as fast as you can and it exhilarates you when you succeed. Grand Theft Auto just seems not to offer that. It just seems to me that is a how to game on gang warfare, and stereotypes alot which seems kind of unethical even with its mature rating.
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[September 26, 2011 10:55:58 PM]
So far, Grand Theft Auto has been interesting. I kinda jumped towards the beginning of the game through an old save slot of my brothers. I had to take a couple of guys into gang territory and do some drive by shootings. Not only did you have to kill the other gang members, but if your car crashed you had to deal with people beating your car up while your killing the other gang. After you kill all the gang members you have to go to a spray shop and lose the cops. I wonder where these Rockstar designers learned how to hide a vehicle from the cops? I think it is interesting how different and ethical some actions like killing gang members can be to the characters, yet we would see it in a much different light. They need to protect their territory in a much more primal and medieval way than we can imagine if we had to deal with such a confrontation. It is also amazing how a game like this can market to so many people. Maybe normal people like to be bad like this sometimes but they only do it through the game. It will be interesting tomorrow to see what I have to do now that I completed the drive-by mission.
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