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    jwirtz's Columbine RPG (PC)

    [October 12, 2011 12:25:49 PM]
    Playing for the third time in Columbine, I continued the carnage of the high school. I was continually killed more and more of the kids while learning my motivation for actually killing all these kids. What personally bothers me about this game is the creator is trying to justify what these kids did through their flashbacks. Being someone who was made fun of in high school, it can really hurt, but committing a crime like this goes beyond rational thinking and logic. Instead of spending so much energy trying to pull of this plot, work hard to find people that have stuff in common with you and avoid the bullies. They do go away if you avoid them normally. I find it interesting to in the gameplay how you can use napalm bombs on jocks that are 5 feet away from you. If you are trying to make a real game, then make the gameplay live in reality.
    After finally blowing everything up, you die and wake up in hell. I definitely agree with this assessment because those kids deserve to go to hell. I guess you did have to include this because the game just would have been to short if it ended at the school. So you wander around with guns trying to kill demons and lost souls. Again, if you are going to base a game on a real life situation, have the actual gameplay based on reality. I don’t think you can normally kill Satan’s minions with a shotgun.
    Reflecting back on the game, I just don’t understand the point of it. You’re taking a very real and tragic event and setting it in a cartoon world so people would better understand it. The gameplay is really archaic and too basic for my taste. It just screams of unethical to base a game on a tragedy such as this. Why don’t we make a kind of deer hunter game and set it in Nazi Germany and call it Jew Hunter. Why don’t we make a Flight Simulator for 911 attacks. I would love to meet the guy who made this game because to me this is a harsh, unjustifiable creation that should have not been made.
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    [October 11, 2011 06:48:29 PM]
    As I played my second day of Columbine, I began to really get into the grit of the game. After I figured out how to grab the bombs and duffel bags, we loaded up on ammo and were ready. I find their dialogue back and forth very interesting because they go from being pretty reserved and mature into a dialogue about all the people that deserved to die because they bullied them, to acting like 12 year olds when they are about to enter the school. I don’t think the video game takes into account enough what happens to make these guys blow up a school, but they also make the game seem almost comical with how the game is itself. We are playing a cartoon who is saying to fuck all the people who were mean to him and that they are about to blow up while hopping up and down. If you are going to make a grim game like this, you can’t use basic rpg characters that look like the Legend of Zelda.
    As you begin your killing of everybody, I love how they label every character as nerdy girl, or jock, or preppy boy. I have a feeling nerdy girls probably didn’t bully you, yet they go down in a splatter of blood just like any jock or prep. That the names they give the people such stereotypical names goes to how stupid this of the game was. This is again one of those games that you cannot be a good person; you can only advance in the game by killing random kids. Yeah, it makes sense that you would kill a jock who probably bothered the kid in the game, but why do I have to kill a nerd to advance? Again, this goes to the stupidity of the creator who thought we would better understand their decisions based on this. That makes me laugh. Maybe he wanted to do this to his school, but instead he made a videogame of doing it. I think it is based on my bias coming into this that I do just not enjoy the game. There is no fun in it. Not only is it graphically poor, and very basic; the story truly hurts the chance for it to succeed at least for me.
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    [October 10, 2011 11:49:55 PM]
    As I sat down to play Columbine today it was really interesting as the first 30 minutes progressed in the game. Going into this assignment, it really bothered me that someone would make a game about such a hurtful and hanus event such as the columbine massacre. Should we be expecting a flight simulator for crashing into the world trade center or a game based on capturing and killing Jews to hit the shelves soon. Games are about a player enjoying the story and gameplay itself. I personally could never enjoy a game about such a terrible event to happen to innocent people.

    As you begin the game, I found myself remembering playing Zelda in the early 1990s on my Nintendo and Super Nintendo. For a recent game, it was extremely archaic. I couldn't read the dialogue that well and it just was too old graphics wise for my taste. As you begin, you are playing as Eric and preparing to attack your high school because of how they treated you. Instead of collecting hearts and rupees like in Zelda, you go downstairs to collect duffel bags of guns and propane tanks to blow up your school later that day. It just disgusts me how they did talk in the dialogue I read. As a gamer, I would never want to accomplish these tasks in a normal game. After you collect your items you head over to the school to get ready to blow everything up.

    When you get to the school you have to hide from the cameras and other students to not blow your cover. Instead of facing obstacles of bad guys, you have to hide from innocent kids who you want to kill. Eric and his friend go back and forth with vulgar language and these kids look like they are 5 or 6 years old because of the graphics. Overall for my first day, I am definitely not a big fan, and I don't think there is hope I will find this game fun, but there is always tommorrow.
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    jwirtz's Columbine RPG (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Monday 10 October, 2011

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