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    jws412's Yu-Gi-Oh (Other)

    [March 27, 2012 05:03:48 PM]
    Yu-Gi-Oh is a card game, like Magic: The Gathering, and it is designed for serious gamers. The basic rules of the game are each player takes turn playing cards (placing them on the board), activating events, which are caused by spell, trap, and effect monster cards, and battling monster cards. The game ends when a player loses all of his HP, which is subtracted when an attacking monster kills another monster in attack position. The amount of points subtracted from the player's HP is found by subtracting the strong card's value from the weaker card's value.

    While I do not own a deck, majority of my friends do. For the first game, I borrowed an XYZ machine deck. The deck is centered a few magic cards that help you summon XYZ machine cards, which enhance the ability of other XYZ machine cards. The game only lasted 15 minutes. During that time, I felt no excitement, enjoyment, or really any emotion other than curiosity over what is in my
    opponents hands. I won without any effort in my part.

    After the game, I asked my friends how they find any enjoyment out of the game. The reply was that the point of the game was spending countless hours and untold amount of money for the perfect deck. I fail to see the point of playing a game, where the only conceivable point is to spend a massive amount of time and money finding and buying pieces of cardboard.
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    jws412's Yu-Gi-Oh (Other)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 27 March, 2012

    jws412's opinion and rating for this game

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    Rating (out of 5):starstarstar

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    More GameLogs
    other GameLogs for this Game
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    2 : Yu-Gi-Oh (Other) by kwsephiroth (rating: 5)
    3 : Yu-Gi-Oh (Other) by szahirieh (rating: 5)


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