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    kwsephiroth's Yu-Gi-Oh (Other)

    [March 28, 2012 11:24:41 PM]
    SESSION #2

    So, for the match, we decided to use different decks. I decided to use my Chaos deck and he used his Equip deck. My roommate was the victor of this session. Again, I fell prey to one of his powerful synchro monsters. The most powerful monster in his Equip deck
    is the synchro monster named Power Tool Dragon. Power Tool Dragon is has a powerful effect. Once per turn, it's owner can picks 3 equip cards from his or her deck and their opponent randomly selects one and he or she can add it their hand. Another part of the effect is
    that if Power Tool Dragon were to be destroyed by battle, an equip card that is equipped to it is destroyed instead. By the way, equip cards boost the attack and/or defense stat of the monster it's equipped to. However, there are some that have other special effects. I did manage
    to pull off one round because I manage to destroy Power Tools Dragon with my Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning. It's a chaos most with 3000 ATK and a deadly ability. It has 2 effects actually. It can either remove a monster on the field from play or attack 2 times if
    it destroys an opponent's monster with the first attack. This was a good match as well. We plan to do a tie breaker match.
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    [March 28, 2012 11:14:57 PM]
    So, the non-electronic game I chose to play is Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game. It is loosely based on the Japanese manga "Yu-Gi-Oh!" (lit. "King of Games), which was created
    by Kazuki Takahasi. The main objective of the game is to deplete your opponent's life points to zero by causing damage to them by using either monster attacks and effects or
    through the use of magic and trap card effects. Typically, each player starts out with 8000 life points but sometimes 4000 life points are used. It's the best 2 of 3 rounds
    to determine the winner of a match. You must have a minimum of 40 cards to have a deck but no more than 60. Normal monster cards each have an Attack and Defense attribute as well as a brief description of the creature in the picture. Effect monster cards also have an Attack and Defense attribute on them but no description of the
    monster in the picture though. Instead, the spot on the card is used to describe the effect of the effect monster. Normal monster cards are a light yellow while effect monster cards
    are a light brown. Other monster card types include Ritual, Fusion, and Synchro. There are also Magic (also called Spell) and Trap cards. Magic cards are green and they can only be activated during your turn.
    Trap cards are a light purple and can be activated during either player's turn after they have been set for one turn in the Magic/Trap card zone. Many magic and trap cards have specific conditions for activating
    them. All these various tools are used to reduce your opponent's life points to zero. I'm a big fan of this game and have been playing for years. I like how strategic and fun it is. I also like the freedom
    you have for creating decks. You have many options for combinations in a deck. My roommate is also a fan and owns multiple decks so we decided to duel 2 matches for this analysis.

    SESSION #1

    So, the conclusion of this session was that I won 2 rounds and he won 1, therefore making me the victor of the match. The first round I was pretty lucky. I used my Toon/Warrior Monster Deck and he used his Legendary Ice Barrier deck.
    I was pretty lucky the first round and it was an easy victory. I had a nice hand and manage to get massive damage to his life points quickly with my warrior monsters and one of my toon monsters. He caused damage to my life points only
    once by destroying one of my weaker monsters. The first round went by quickly. I lost the second round. He managed to get a very powerful Synchro monster out on the field that has a powerful effect named Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier.
    It's able to destroy any card on the field once per turn based on the number of cards the user discards to the graveyard. In my opinion, it's a pretty cheap effect. Things went down hill for me when he summoned that monster. It also has a massive Attack of 2500
    so I didn't have anything to destroy it right away. So, that round ended miserably for me. I won the last round. It was very close though. We were both low on life points so it was anyone's game. I got lucky because his hand was small
    and apparently he wasn't drawing the cards he needed. He managed to get that powerful synchro monster out on the field again but I managed to destroy it by attacking it with a monster I powered up with an equip card which made it 2600 attack;
    100 more than that monster. Overall, it was a good match that wasn't completely one-sided.
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    kwsephiroth's Yu-Gi-Oh (Other)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Wednesday 28 March, 2012

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    other GameLogs for this Game
    1 : Yu-Gi-Oh (Other) by dch260 (rating: 5)
    2 : Yu-Gi-Oh (Other) by jws412 (rating: 3)
    3 : Yu-Gi-Oh (Other) by szahirieh (rating: 5)


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