BigAL005's Super Columbine Massacre RPG (PC)
[May 29, 2012 02:37:49 PM]
So I just killed myself instead of being taken by the police. I murdered just about everyone I could find and then ended it all. There is a whole slew of cutscenes here, including an actual sound bit from the incident. I didn't really know too much about the incident beforehand, so I went and looked up a bunch of stuff while the cutscenes were playing. A lot of the events that took place in this game were much of the same way that the actual event happened. The question "Do you believe in God?" was actually asked. The girl said yes and she got shot in the head for it. When you read these kind of things and then go on to play a game where you are the bad guy, it is disturbing.
So after all the cutscenes and everything else, you are in hell. Which is a whole other moral thing going on because of the relationship between hell and religion. These boys didn't seem like they believed in God and hell is directly related to religion so I was a bit confused there. I only played this part for a little bit, but it definitely resembled DOOM. This took on a whole other aspect of game copying too, because it felt like I was just in a DOOM game. Overall, if I didn't have to play this game for a class, I probably would never touch it. First of all, the gameplay I did not like. Secondly the overall historical events that drove the game shouldn't have been brought up again. I mean the families and friends of these people went through enough and now they are just bringing it up again and again.
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[May 29, 2012 12:16:27 PM]
For my second round of the game played this morning, it's not really something I would get up and start playing. After planting the bombs yesterday and going back out to my car, it was now time to trigger the bombs, but as history goes, the bombs are dysfunctional. So now Dylan and Eric are pissed and I start to go around taking out people in the parking lot. After this, I reload my ammunition and head for the school. Once I was in the school, I mowed down everyone in the hallways. These parts were kind of disturbing but at the same time sort of ridiculous because of the gameplay. Being a game that looked something like pokemon or final fantasy, it really gives that feel of disconnection. If I were playing this game from a first person point of view, I think it would have a lot more of an effect.
The one thing that I didn't notice right away was the amount of extra stuff in the game. When I entered the classrooms to take out everyone, you could actually go up to the computers and get information or something of the such. It gave me pages from the Anarchist Cookbook, which was kind of weird. After I killed everyone on each floor and in just about every room (except for the dude in the library), I had a shootout with the police. It gave me a choice of end it now or go back or something like that. I chose to end it now and then stopped playing for the morning.
I'd say for this gaming session, violence takes the cake. I mean your character literally goes throughout the building killing anyone and everyone, saying random stuff along the way. The style of gameplay takes away from the emotional build, but then every cutscene or real picture puts you right back in it. From the things these two were saying, you could tell that they were suffering from social problems. When people were killed things like "jock" would pop up. Once again, I have to say this game is definitely one to make you uncomfortable because it mixes actual historical events and makes you play as the bad guy. In my experience, people like to play as the good guy or the hero, and when you are thrown straight in to a game like this, it makes something happen.
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[May 28, 2012 10:13:16 PM]
So I finally got this game downloaded and ready to play. I can honestly say that after the first time playing it, it is not at all what I expected. First I didn't expect a Gameboy/Nintendo RPG feel. I thought this would be more of a first-person type game. It felt like I was playing as Ash on one of the pokemon games. Not only did I not expect the type of gameplay, I didn't expect the emotion that was involved with playing this game. I mean most games are fictional and involve something completely made up, but this is something that actually happen. Real pictures of the Columbine shooters are included to make it more realistic and you are playing as them. When I finally thought about it all, it kind of drops a weight on your stomach. This was a terrible time in 13 families lifetimes and here we are playing an RPG based on the event. The worst part is, we are the killers. There are no heros in this game saving the day, we are the ones shooting up the school and it is kind of disturbing.
When the game first starts I woke up in my room and got a CD by Marilyn Manson. First of all, quite an ironic play on words for a name, a mix of Marilyn Monroe and Charles Manson. Two completely different people that hold a large spot in our nation's history. So after I get the CD, a screen pops up saying "You found a Marilyn Manson CD! The lyrics are sure to inspire impulsive agression and rage." To me, this was the developers just further playing into the whole thing. They were basically saying lets get amped up before we go kill a bunch of people. Then there is some other stuff and we are ready to embark. This part kind of gets me two because it shows a cutscene of them in the car, in real life. It furthers the emotions that are being played on because you see that these guys were actually real. It is a reminder that this isn't fiction. This actually happened and these two guys were real. It really makes you think more and more into the game. So then we finally get to the school and park in the parking lot (which I have to admit looks goofy with the pasted cars). I examine my trunk and grab the bomb, etc. Once we are in the school I figure, "oh! this is where it starts," but I was wrong. I had to go through some stealth mission, making sure that no one follows me and dodging security cameras. This is where I left off. The stealth mission was interesting because if you were them in real life, you would have to be super nervous in real life. People do become interested in you and if you get caught your goal is eventually ruined. This just furthers amps the emotions for what is surely to come.
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