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    Lanre's Warcraft III -- Frozen Throne (PC)

    [January 12, 2007 03:30:46 PM]
    After another hour of playing DotA on Warcraft III -- Frozen Throne, I tried to look for the cons of the game. One con of DotA falls of how its not very excellent in terms of the graphics and visuals of the game. However like some games such as Pong, complex 3d models aren't necessary to make a game successful to an audience. The gameplay outshadows the mediocre graphics of the game.

    One thing I would change about the game would to prevent the backdoor cheat of the game. Although every game has cheats and glitches, people who use the online version of DotA tend to use the backdoor cheat to win the game. Having the game fair for all players make the game more fun for me and I usually play with people I know just to make sure I'm always having fun. Although it's not really techinically considering cheating, I would change the ability of being able to backdoor I had the chance.The game I play with my friend Taylor ended of being five players on my team against two players on the opponents team due to three leavers. The game was pretty much won until one of the players on the opposing team backdoored and was able to turn the tide of the game.

    All in all, the cons of DotA can be simply disregarded due to the gameplay and possible outcomes of the game. Being my first computer game I've invested time in playing, I can say I'm completely satisfied with this game.
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    [January 12, 2007 03:25:51 PM]
    Warcraft III -- Frozen Throne is one of Blizzard's biggest hits for the computer hardware. All of my friends like Defense of the Ancients, one of the custom-made games in Warcraft III, or also simply known as DotA. I wasn't quite sure why they liked the game but I decided to give it a shot.

    What first stuck me was the possible outcomes of each game due to the amount of choices each player has. The game consists of ten players (five players versus five players) while each player can choose between the 80 different heroes in the game. Having 80 different heroes along with 4 different spells each hero, different base stats, and the ability to hold 6 different items out of the 98 created items adds to the different possiblities of each game. Due to the fact its an online game, the creator updates the game weekly to add more items and heroes while balancing others to make the game as balanced as possible. When I was playing during this hour, I was using the hero Ogre Magi, whose spells rely heavily on luck. Given the different possiblities because of luck allow the game I had with Ogre Magi to be hard to predict the outcome.Its interesting when the game has many outcomes because you don't know what to expect.

    All in all, the gameplay is great because it shows whether ur an unstoppable force that needs attention or someone who just needs practice. Now as I look towards another hour of this game, I'm looking to find the cons of this game and hopefully come to an overall conclusion on my thoughts of DotA
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    [January 11, 2007 10:50:06 PM]
    After another hour of playing DotA on Warcraft III -- Frozen Throne, I tried to look for the cons of the game. One con of DotA falls of how its not very excellent in terms of the graphics and visuals of the game. However like some games such as Pong, complex 3d models aren't necessary to make a game successful to an audience. The gameplay outshadows the mediocre graphics of the game.
    One thing I would change about the game would to prevent the backdoor cheat of the game. Although every game has cheats and glitches, people who use the online version of DotA tend to use the backdoor cheat to win the game. Having the game fair for all players make the game more fun for me and I usually play with people I know just to make sure I'm always having fun.
    All in all, the cons of DotA can be simply disregarded due to the gameplay and possible outcomes of the game. Being my first computer game I've invested time in playing, I can say I'm completely satisfied with this game.
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    [January 11, 2007 09:36:33 PM]
    Warcraft III -- Frozen Throne is one of Blizzard's biggest hits for the computer hardware. All of my friends like Defense of the Ancients, one of the custom-made games in Warcraft III, or also simply known as DotA. I wasn't quite sure why they liked the game but I decided to give it a shot.
    What first stuck me was the possible outcomes of each game due to the amount of choices each player has. The game consists of ten players (five players versus five players) while each player can choose between the 80 different heroes in the game. Having 80 different heroes along with 4 different spells each hero, different base stats, and the ability to hold 6 different items out of the 98 created items adds to the different possiblities of each game. Due to the fact its an online game, the creator updates the game weekly to add more items and heroes while balancing others to make the game as balanced as possible. Its interesting when the game has many outcomes because you don't know what to expect.
    All in all, the gameplay is great because it shows whether ur an unstoppable force that needs attention or someone who just needs practice. Now as I look towards another hour of this game, I'm looking to find the cons of this game and hopefully come to an overall conclusion on my thoughts of DotA
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    Lanre's Warcraft III -- Frozen Throne (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Thursday 11 January, 2007

    Lanre's opinion and rating for this game

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    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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