mmakows2's Silent Hill HD Collection (PS3)
[September 3, 2012 01:07:54 PM]
When friends ask me what survival horror game I would recommend to them I would usually endorse Resident Evil, Dead Space, and other such games that fit the “survival horror” agenda. However, I usually don’t endorse Silent Hill for two reasons. First, it’s not for the faint of heart. Second, it’s extremely time consuming. Just because I stated those two reasons doesn’t mean that I think it’s a horrible game. On the contrary, it’s a terrific game but you have to have the mindset and the will of heart to complete it. When, I first heard that Konami was going to release the Silent Hill HD Collection, I wasn’t necessarily shocked since they have already released a Metal Gears Solid HD Collection and Capcom did the same for the beloved Devil May Cry franchise. However, I still wanted to check it out with claims that the music ambiance and voice acting was improved. So, I bought it and played through it. The HD Collection only comes with Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3 (honestly, I really did want Silent Hill to be there as well but I digress). Silent Hill 2’s storyline consists of, you the player, descending into a character named James Sunderland whom is searching for his deceased wife after receiving a letter from her that she is anticipating him at a town called Silent Hill. Through, the progression of this story you devolve in a nightmarish world with puzzles and enemies trying to hinder your progress. Lastly, in Silent Hill 3, you play as Heather whom encounters Silent Hill’s cult and thus discovering her origin as well. As stated earlier, you have to solve puzzles and battle with enemies as well. Now to get down with business, I have played the original games before on the PlayStation and PlayStation 2 when I was a child, who was absolutely obsessed with the horror genre after watching her first Stephen King film, became emotionally and mentally damaged after playing those games but still enjoyed playing them just for the highly sought after adrenaline rush when trying to obliterate an enemy in which I failed numerous times but accomplished after a three week absence. And honestly, Silent Hill is one of those games that will just infuriate the crap out of you but makes you still want to play it because you are too stubborn to actually give up on it. Therefore, you tend to do your best in the game when you come to a point in which you can’t progress through and just stop playing it for numerous days, weeks, months, years, and whatever the case maybe and start right back up again. But nonetheless, I found myself to this very day playing Silent Hill 2 and just walking around praying for some progress. When you do make some progress it is the best feeling in the world and it is all worth it in the end because the story is absolutely terrific and engaging. However, what I found to be the most frustrating with the Silent Hill HD Collection is that it can become buggy in times where you absolutely do not need it to happen (i.e. when you fight a boss), however, Konami has since updated the problem and released a software update that did fix it for my PlayStation 3 but Xbox 360 players did not receive the relief that I was graciously offered, thus, Konami offered to refund the purchase of your defected Xbox 360 copy. But to make the long story short, if you love a good scare, an engaging story, unique controls, and horrifying monsters; I would definitely check out the HD Collection. However, please be warned that when playing your first play through of the game please. . . .PLEASE . . . select the original voice actors of the series. It will make you feel like you’re playing the game on your PlayStation or PlayStation 2 which, for me at least, makes the experience of playing the game more enjoyable. So, yeah, check it out whether you are new to the series or have been playing the series for quite a while now and just want to relive those moments in which you were having a sleepover at your friend’s house and were cuddled up in a blanket with the lights turned off, head phones plugged into the bulky TV set, and the constant praying that your friend’s parents in the other room won’t hear the whimpers that you emit when you see Pyramid Head roaming through the halls of an abandoned apartment complex. Yeah . . . . good times . . . . good times.
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mmakows2's Silent Hill HD Collection (PS3)
Current Status: Finished playing
GameLog started on: Monday 3 September, 2012
GameLog closed on: Monday 3 September, 2012 |