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    dallen18's NinJump (iPd)

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    dallen18's NinJump (iPd)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 8 February, 2011

    dallen18's opinion and rating for this game

    So I've had NinJump for about a year now and it has stayed reasonably fun for how simple it is to play. NinJump is a continuous-runner game that has been turned vertical instead of horizontal. It includes various different obstacles along with enemies and power ups. As a continuous-runner the object is to run as far as you can up a pair of buildings while dodging ledges and enemies by tapping the screen to jump from building to building. Some of the various enemies you face while climbing the buildings are birds, stationary ninjas who throw shuriken, ninjas climbing down the buildings at you and various others. You lose the game when you hit any of these obstacles or enemies while on either of the two buildings. To aid in your progress there are two main types of power up, one of which has many variations. The first power up is a basic shield. You start with a saved shield which you can use at any time during the game but once you do it is gone till you start over. There are also shields you can get while running up the buildings by running through them. The second type of power up involves you enemies. When you jump between the two buildings you attack with your sword; so when a ninja throws a shuriken at you, you can jump between the buildings and “catch” the shuriken. You can also do the same to birds and any of the other enemies that cross between the buildings. Once you “catch” three of the same kind of enemy or weapon you gain a power up and automatically fly, jump, spin or rocket up depending on what power up you gathered between the buildings for a certain distance without regard to any enemies or ledges. Once you have gone the distance from your power up you return to running and dodging enemies, while trying to gain another power up to propel you further up the buildings. NinJump takes the simple concept of continuous-running and makes it its own by changing the direction and adding enemies and power ups. I still have a great time playing every once in a while.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstar

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