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    szahirieh's Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (GC)

    [September 24, 2012 11:42:00 PM]
    This week, I replayed through Sonic Adventure 2 Battle for the Nintendo GameCube. Although this game is more than ten years old, it is still in my opinion one of the best video games out there. The single player mode offers a variety of game modes that keep from getting bored too quickly. The speed stages featuring Sonic and Shadow are my favorite, as the speed mechanic always keeps the tension high and forces me to be able to react quickly the obstacles that suddenly appear. The shooting stages of Tails and Dr. Eggman are my least favorite of the game. They go slowly, contrary to what a Sonic the Hedgehog game should be doing. They also feature the most frustrating challenges, which require perfect timing or I will die and have to start the stage over again if I am going for a high score. The treasure hunting stages featuring Knuckles and Rouge are very well done, other than the fact that the radar could be made to be more effective in helping to find the emeralds. They are fast paced but require more careful movements rather than the quick reaction times required in the speed stages. The mechanics used in the actual finding of the emeralds could be improved in small ways such as allowing the player the freedom to search for anyone he or she wants to first rather than having to find them in a specific order. The ranking system in this game is phenomenal, and drives me to keep on playing in order to keep on getting higher scores until I get A ranks in all the missions. The emblems also make me want to play more to the point that I collect them all. Because of the rankings and the emblems, I enjoy playing stages over and over till I have found everything and have completed everything perfectly. It is this and the amazing game mechanics that make this one of my favorite games ever.
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    szahirieh's Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (GC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Monday 24 September, 2012

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