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    dallen18's Tris (iPd)

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    dallen18's Tris (iPd)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Friday 20 July, 2007

    dallen18's opinion and rating for this game

    Recently I decided to pull out the game I’ve had on my iPhone/iPod touch since the very beginning; “Tris”, or Tetris. It is a very interesting game concept. My family owns a moving company, which I work for, and I consider the two (moving and Tetris) combined. It seems like someone was packing things in their house or moving and while they were trying to fit everything into a box, or a truck, they thought, “I wonder if I could make a game out of this?” They then considered how the game would work. To make it accessible and playable for everyone you have to make all of the pieces out of squares, but they can’t all be the same shape or it would be too easy. Then, once you’ve decided on what shapes you want to be in the game, or the game components, you have to figure out the game mechanics. How do you want the pieces to work? Do they just sit there and you move them around? No, that’s too easy. What if the fall from the top of the screen one at a time? That works. Now what is the point of the game? What if the goal is to survive as long as possible and you do that by eliminating lines by filling the entire line with squares pieces, just like a puzzle. Well, what can we do so someone isn’t doing the same thing for hours and getting bored because it’s too easy? How about we give the game, levels of difficulty so the pieces fall faster the longer you play. Tetris is a great example of how even a simple game, if given good rules, can be popular and successful.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstar

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