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    Hatoshi's Silent Hill 4: The Room (XBX)

    [January 11, 2007 10:53:42 PM]
    So I borrowed this game from a friend because I wanted to get my adrenaline rushed. I don't normally play a scary game let alone a movie. I was terrified when I turned it on, but after a few minutes, it didn't seem scary to me. Maybe it's because I'm still in the beginning or maybe I was just tired. For fun, I set it on hard mode which wasn't the best move because those dead dog things were harassing me until I died. I killed one, but it came back alive before I realized you had to step on it. The voice acting is great from what I heard. Nothing makes sense right now, but I'm sure that will change. I turned it off once I died three times on those dogs (I really should have put it on easy) and I'm thinking about giving the game another go, but not likely. I like my RPGs and this obviously isn't one so maybe I didn't give this a chance. I don't feel like doing a review because it wouldn't be fair from what I've played. I might pick it up when I want to give it another go.
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    Hatoshi's Silent Hill 4: The Room (XBX)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Thursday 11 January, 2007

    Hatoshi's opinion and rating for this game

    This is supposed to be scary?

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstar

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    1 : Silent Hill 4: The Room (XBX) by Jetgirl (rating: 5)


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