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    szahirieh's Shadow the Hedgehog (GC)

    [October 15, 2012 10:54:02 PM]
    This week, I have been playing Shadow the Hedgehog for the Nintendo GameCube. This game is unique within the Sonic the Hedgehog series due to the fact that it allows players to ally themselves with either the side of good, evil, or just Shadow himself. Each level has three missions, one hero, one dark, and one neutral. These then determine what levels the player plays next and how the story will eventually end. There are ten possible endings, however, the only canon one is the pure hero ending, as the final story follows the end of the pure hero story. Seeing all ten possible endings encourage replay of the game. Due to the main theme of Shadow having amnesia and his goal being to find out about his past, the player will feel a great sense of purpose in Shadow's goals, making him a very effective character story wise. The game play is very good. It has the speed and intensity that the games of the series are known to have. One concept that they added are weapons, which aren't needed much during the first few set of levels, but as enemies become more challenging, the weapons will become more of a valuable resource. The game does have a few frustrating moments due to technical glitches, but these are few. The most rewarding part of this game is Expert Mode, which is unlocked after finishing all the missions at the highest possible rank. It requires the player to go through each level in a row, and a game over means he or she will have to start over again. This makes lives a very valuable resource. After completing Expert Mode, the player will feel a great sense of personal satisfaction.
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    szahirieh's Shadow the Hedgehog (GC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Monday 15 October, 2012

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