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    dmullig2's Marvel vs Capcom 3 (360)

    [October 21, 2012 10:49:16 PM]
    Recently I have been revisiting a game that I haven’t been playing in a while, Marvel vs Capcom 3. I remember when I first played it when it came out, there were problems with some of the characters and balancing issues that really irritated me. Now, after giving it some time, I have decided to come back and found that it has improved, but there are still some major issues in the game, which hamper enjoyment.

    The biggest gripe that I have with this game is the balancing issues. I understand that this happens in most fighting games, and it is a genre that sees the most problems with balancing. However, there are still a few things off with it. Because there are 3 characters in a team, it is often difficult to have characters balance off well with each other. Games like Street fighter and Mortal Kombat might not have to deal with this as much, as those games implement the 1 vs 1 concept, but this game has some problems. Players can combine certain powerhouse characters into the ultimate team, which gets really annoying.

    The big thing in Marvel vs Capcom 2 was the team of Sentinel, Magneto, and Storm. Those characters were the cheapest team out there. Whoever used those characters, more often then not, won. That has translated into MvC3 with characters like those in certain teams being unstoppable. Cheap moves coupled with annoying tactics and button mashing made these certain teams really annoying, almost to the point that you didn’t even want to play an online match with a person.

    Other than that however, it is still a very good fighting game. The amount of characters is staggering compared to most fighting games, with nearly close to 40 playable characters. However, with some severe balancing issues, this game is just another fighting game in need of some fixing.
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    dmullig2's Marvel vs Capcom 3 (360)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Sunday 21 October, 2012

    dmullig2's opinion and rating for this game

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