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    JordanC's Blacklight: Retribution (Arcade)

    [November 16, 2012 10:21:22 AM]
    Multi-player shooter only games are a popular subgenera on the PCs, and have been for quite a while. With the business model shifting to free to play games, these shooters need to stand out from the other free to plays, and from triple A titles like Call of Duty and Battlefield. How fun the game is to play is definitely a factor in keeping a player attention, but MMOs and their infamous grinds have showed us that fun gameplay is not always what keeps a player coming back. Developers for arcade games used to time rewards such as checkpoints and items to occur right before the player dies. Over time the player becomes conditioned to expect a reward, and will keep putting in coins to get to the next reward. This strategy worked great for arcades, and more and more developers are implementing this feature into free to play games.
    I was recently playing Blacklight: Retribution, which is a free to play FPS, and I was wondering ‘why do people spend all their time playing this game. What makes this the shooter for some people and not others’? Then I shot someone in the head, and it hit me. This game gives you mini-rewards. These range from the sound you hear when you get a head shoot, to being able to deploy your mechs. These do not happen too often though. The game is not very easy, and it take some work to pull anything off, which makes victory even more memorable. Like the arcades of the past, you become conditioned to these tiny rewards. You know roughly when they’re coming and how to achieve them, which makes you want to keep playing to achieve them.
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    JordanC's Blacklight: Retribution (Arcade)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Friday 16 November, 2012

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