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    szahirieh's Sonic Unleashed (360)

    [December 6, 2012 04:29:26 PM]
    Sonic Unleashed is half an amazing game that truly shows off the speed and fast paced action of what a Sonic game should be, while the other half is a dull, slow, and uninteresting hack and slash style gameplay. The story is not very engaging, as it seems like nothing really happens between the first few and cutscenes and when you get towards the end of the game. The ending of the game is phenomenal, however, the middle portion of the game seems pointless and the player does not really keep up to date on why Sonic is doing what he is doing. The daytime game play featuring the regular Sonic is amazing. Its fast paced and keeps the player always on his or her toes. Fast reactions are necessary and there are branching pathways in each level. As a result, the player will keep on replaying levels until he or she knows how to react at each moment and the best pathways, which result in the reward of getting a high rank. The ranking features makes players strive to keep on playing levels until they know them perfectly so they can get high ranks on every level, which can act as a huge source of pride for them. The nighttime stages are the inverse of the daytime stages. As Sonic the Werehog, the player moves very slowly and defeats a never ending amount of enemies by button smashing. There is no skill required for these stages, and they are just plain boring. The stages are also very long, sometimes around twenty minutes, so players will never want to replay it. Its misleading to put gameplay like this in a Sonic the Hedgehog title. In conclusion, this game is half a perfect game and half a very flawed and unnecessary game.
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    szahirieh's Sonic Unleashed (360)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Thursday 6 December, 2012

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