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    szahirieh's Yu-Gi-Oh (Other)

    [December 6, 2012 04:55:07 PM]
    Yu-Gi-Oh is a collectible trading card game that pits players against each other with their trading cards. There are three sorts of cards, Monsters, which are the main method of defeating your opponent, spells, which are used to enhance your monsters and give you an advantage in strength, and traps, which are used to stop your opponent from dealing damage to you and defeating his or her powerful cards. The player must create a balance of monsters, spells, and traps in his or her deck so that he or she has the greatest chance of defeating his or her opponents. The objective of this game is to defeat reduce the opponents 8000 life points to 0 life points. The biggest challenge of this game is the building of the deck. Players need to select cards that are balanced, work very well together, and will be able to work in as many situations as possible. This is a game that requires a large amount of strategy and intellect. If one has no strategy or balance within his or her deck of cards, there is no way he or she will be able to defeat an opponent who does. This is a great example of a game that psychologically keeps on getting players to buy its products. The game keeps on getting updated booster packs and sets that it current players do not buy, they will fall greatly behind to those who do have the new cards. As a result, the company that develops these cards keeps on making large amounts of money. This is a great social, as well as competitive game. It appeals to all sorts of players of different goals and ages. There are Yu-Gi-Oh players who want to be professional as well as players who want to just have fun. Either way, it is a great game that requires strategic thought processes.
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    szahirieh's Yu-Gi-Oh (Other)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Thursday 6 December, 2012

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    See info on Yu-Gi-Oh

    More GameLogs
    other GameLogs for this Game
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    2 : Yu-Gi-Oh (Other) by jws412 (rating: 3)
    3 : Yu-Gi-Oh (Other) by kwsephiroth (rating: 5)


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