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    szahirieh's Sonic and The Secret Rings (Wii)

    [December 9, 2012 03:44:19 PM]
    Sonic and the Secret Rings is an on-rails action adventure that is very unique because it uses the Wii remote to determine whether Sonic moves to the right or the left. The story of the game involves Sonic the Hedgehog being transported to the world of the Arabian Nights, where he must team up with a good genie to defeat an evil genie who strives to destroy the book and be freed into the real world. Although it is not a very engaging story, it is unique how they incorporate Sonic into a well known work of western literature. Each of Sonic's friends appear with their original personalities as a character of the Arabian Nights. Each of the stages are very vibrant with color. Each of the seven stages has a large numbers of missions, with each one being ranked. The large number of stages and the players desire to achieve the highest rank possible will greatly increase the replayability of this game. The actual gameplay is very fun and engaging, as its very amusing to run at fast speeds and pull of quick reactions to upcoming obstacles such as enemies and environmental hazards. The style of the game does lead to some frustration though. Sometimes when Sonic is moving too fast, it is almost impossible to pull of the necessary reactions unless the player memorizes the timing. It helps that the game doesn't use lives so the player can retry a section as many times as he or she wants. Moving backwards is also a pain as players can't turn the camera angle to see what is behind. Despite some issues, Sonic and the Secret Rings is an amazing, fast paced, and replayable game that uses the ability of the Wii remote very well.
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    szahirieh's Sonic and The Secret Rings (Wii)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Sunday 9 December, 2012

    szahirieh's opinion and rating for this game

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    other GameLogs for this Game
    1 : Sonic and The Secret Rings (Wii) by Sol (rating: 4)
    2 : Sonic and The Secret Rings (Wii) by ss3teddy (rating: 4)


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