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    szahirieh's Pokemon Pearl (DS)

    [December 9, 2012 04:24:15 PM]
    Pokemon Diamond and Pearl are role playing games and they are the first games of the fourth generation Pokemon series. Just like all new series, the core mechanic of the game remains the same, with the only changes being in the story mode and the kinds of Pokemon available. The story involves the player catching and training Pokemon as he or she defeats the enemy Team Plasma and defeats gym leaders in order to fight and defeat the Elite Four and the champion. The story isn't engaging at all, and the player will most likely not care about what is really going on. The objective of the player is to catch as many pokemon as possible and become the champion. This game emphasizes player choice as he or she may select from a large variety of available pokemon to use throughout the story mode. Very rarely will two players ever have the exact same line up of pokemon. The game isn't particularly very challenging, so unless the player wants to play against other players, not much strategy is needed when selecting the pokemon in order to just beat the story. When playing against other players, the player needs to make sure his or her team of pokemon covers all possible weaknesses and can take down the enemy tem as efficiently as possible. A large amount of strategy is needed when making a team, which is why this game appeals to older players, rather than just kids. The Sinnoh region is a very large area, so there is a lot of room for exploration. The large variety of Pokemon enchances replayability as players will want to experiment with a large amount of combinations. The large amount of replayability and player choice makes Pokemon Diamond and Pearl great games for anyone.
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    szahirieh's Pokemon Pearl (DS)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Sunday 9 December, 2012

    szahirieh's opinion and rating for this game

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    See info on Pokemon Pearl

    More GameLogs
    other GameLogs for this Game
    1 : Pokemon Pearl (DS) by liddell0wnZ (rating: 5)
    2 : Pokemon Pearl (DS) by neoyaku2 (rating: 5)


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