Monster Hunter Freedom Unite has a very realistic fighting style for a single player game. There is barely any narrative to the game and there is really no objective but to kill monsters and to get stronger. It is similar to Skyrim in that you cannot connect online with multiple people. The main selling point for the game is its realistic action. The monsters all have weak points in various different places all depending on which weapons were used. Weapons and armor are crafted with the body parts obtained from killed monsters. The fighting consists of the combination of several different parts, such as pattern recognition, time budgeting, and timing. This game does not require any narrative because it is supposed to be a stress relieving game or a skill testing game. If played as a stress relieving game, the player will just get out their PSP and play this game whenever just to pass time, and if played as a skill testing game, the player will challenge themselves and make goals, and in both cases, there is no room for narrative so the lack of narrative works perfectly with the way the game was designed and was not just due to laziness or lack of imagination. This game can also be very addictive because the game is split up into the town and quests, each quest usually having an objective of killing a monster. Each quest doesn’t take too long and isn’t too short, so the player will keep doing one mission after another without stopping.
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