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    gw2salee's Nice site of Darkfall (GB)

    [December 11, 2012 01:18:53 AM]
    ()This forum's primary objective is to help communication between the Darkfall designers and the community. We've been working very hard upon increasing the sport and working on the expansions in the future while the neighborhood is growing larger and broader. You need to all of us to keep the link with the bottom.

    The city Liaisons tend to be Aventurine employees employed by the Community. They are within near connection with the actual designers and also the community so they'll be the main initiators about this forum. They'll be highlighting and offering viewpoint about the latest news, on fascinating articles, on movies, they'll be operating the contests, taking the recommendations, and enhancing the devs know very well what the city has an interest in and vice-versa. We are also seeking to the city Staff, the Customer Assistance Group, the actual GMs, the actual Designers, and of course the city by itself in order to contribute to the actual Darkfall Limelight.

    This forum is going to be heavilly moderated to be able to protect it. It's towards the welfare from the neighborhood if the Developers are able to rely on it as among their resources with regard to conversation and knowledge. We would be thankful if you would help us ensure that it stays as civilized, as good, so that as helpful as possible.

    This is our very first effort in enhancing our communications as well as we are beginning with our community.
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    gw2salee's Nice site of Darkfall (GB)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 11 December, 2012

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