fishspit's Scribblenauts Remix (iPd)
[December 11, 2012 01:43:47 AM]
Scribblenauts remix is a creative puzzle game developed by 5thCell and published by WB games. It’s a charming little 2-D puzzle game that lets the players wield surprising power. You are Maxwell, a boy with the ability to summon anything he needs using his magic pad. This translates to the player typing in a noun, and then placing that thing into the world in order to solve the puzzles. Lots of adjectives also work when accompanying nouns, leading to an even greater number of things the player can summon. (Evil sentient flying flamethrower being my favorite example)
The most surprising thing about this game is the sheer number of things you can summon, as well as the many ways you can solve the puzzles. For example, in one level you must help a knight across a lake infested by a single aggressive shark. You can do everything from simply kill the shark and swim with the knight to knocking the shark out with sleeping pills glued to a slab of raw meat. There is rarely any one “right” way to solve a puzzle. The problem with this is that oftentimes the individual puzzles feel too easy; the answers tend to be obvious and the execution simple.
The game offers fifty levels to play through, and thirty more for a dollar more. So because each puzzle takes a few minutes at most (including my inevitable shenanigans), the game ends within an hour or so of the purchase. It has some good replay value and an entertaining sandbox mode, but it still leaves me wanting just a bit more.
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fishspit's Scribblenauts Remix (iPd)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Saturday 8 December, 2012
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