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    jyclark's NCAA Football 2007 (PS2)

    [January 12, 2007 05:34:39 AM]
    So, I played another game of NCAA Football against my friend Ricky. He decided to be Hawaii, and I decided to West Virginia. Here's the thing, West Virginia is kind of a cheap team. The quarterback is really fast and if you do it right, all you have to do is run the ball with the quarterback. Everytime you do that, you're almost guarunteed to get a first down. I also discovered that if you run the halfback double option, which is when you hand the ball off to the halfback, and he runs to the outside with the fullback behind him waiting to receive a pitch back if and when the halfback gets in trouble. I got an average of 5 yards per play on that everytime. Even when Ricky played a 3-4 defense, (there are 4 linebackers who are there to specifically stop the run) I was still able to gain considerable yardage. All in all is was a fun game for me. I ended up winning 35 to 7. However, I will admit that West Virginia has much better players than Hawaii. West Virginia is ranked in the top 10 and Hawaii is not ranked in the top 25. Regardless, it was a good victory against a solid opponent. I was very satisfied with the win.
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    [January 12, 2007 02:47:47 AM]
    This game is amazing. I am a huge fan of college football and being able to play a realistic game is something that's very important to me. This game is as realistic as I've seen. It has many different features such as dynasty mode, campus legend, and regular season. For those who are just looking for a quick game, there is the regular play now function as well as many quick things that are very fun called spring drills. You can do a lot of drills that football teams practice in the offseason. The little games are very fun, and they actually help you get better at the game.

    During this session, I played my friend. He was University of Hawaii and I was Syracuse. It was a very intense game. It started with my friend, Ben, marching the ball down the field and right before he scored a touchdown, I intercepted the ball and returned it for a touchdown. From then on out, we traded touchdowns until I finally pulled away in the last minute. It was a very close game.
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    jyclark's NCAA Football 2007 (PS2)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Thursday 11 January, 2007

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