memphisroots's Dominoes (Other)
[February 5, 2013 10:32:07 AM]
Game Log
Double Six dominoes is a very social,player-paced multiplayer table game. It can be played in teams, but it is not necessary for the game to be played.
Players :
Double six dominoes can have between 2 and 5 players. A player is represented in the game by a "personal deck" of game pieces (dominoes). Each player will be dealt
between 5 or 7 dominoes to start the game. Each player will take turns playing individual dominoes in hopes of scoring on their turn.
Game Pieces:
The game pieces in this game are called Dominoes. These game pieces have two numbers written on them that are separated by a dividing center line. The numbers on the
game pieces will range from 0:0 to 6:6 totaling 28 game pieces total. These separated numbers are how the players know whether or not they will have a valid play on the board. This
process will be explained later on in this log.
Board :
There is no physical game board that is necessary to play the game of double 6 dominoes. However there are a few areas of gameplay that will occur during the course of the game.
The main play area is where the players will try to place individual dominoes down to try and reach one or both of the main goals of the game. This main play area will start with one
domino being played either by the winner of the previous round, or the player that is chosen at the beggining of the game. There is one more important note for the main game area that
involves dominoes with the same number on either side of the separator. This dominoe may be layed sideways.If it is the first one placed down, then it is called the spinner and may be
played off of in a perpendicular way. Double six only allows for one spinner.
Pieces are to be placed by matching numbers on their sides. Two mathcing numbers should be touching unless the double number is drawn.
The secondary play area is the draw pile. This is the location of all of the non player drawn dominoes. It is here for the players to draw dominoes should they run out of valid plays
on the board.
Before Game Play :
There are a few things that need to be set up before the game can begin. A set score needs to be agreed upon by the group of indivduals playing. This score is the goal for each player
to reach in order to win. A score card needs to be drawn up to keep up with each players score. The dominoes need to be shuffled and every player should draw one domino. The highest
drawn domino is the person that will play first. Every play after that will follow a clockwise path through the players.
Before every round, all of the dominoes should be returned to the center of the play surface and shuffled. This will randomize the dominoes each player recieves and adds the element of
luck to the game.
There are two ways of scoring points throughout the game of double six dominoes. The first way is to create a total sum of the outside exposed numbers on the dominoes as a multiple of
five. This multiple of five will then be added to the players score on the score card.
The second way of scoring is for a player to be the first to place all of their game pieces down. The player will then say domino, and the other players will show their dominoes face
up. The totals of all the numbers on the dominoes will be rounded up to the nearest multiple of five, and these totals will be added to the winner of the round.
Game End / Win:
There are a few ways for play to end in this game. The true end of the game can only be reached by one player gaining a score greater than the agreed winning score. HOwever the game
can end with all players agreeing to quit. At this point, the player with the largest score wins.
However, there are a few ways that each round can end. One way for the round to end was discussed in scoring. It is when a player has placed all of their available dominoes on the play
area first.
Another way for playe to end is for a player to place a game piece in such a way that no player can make a valid move. This is called locking the board, and results in a round end with
noone gaining any further points.
GamePlay :
First Round) I played with two other indivudals,and we started with 5 dominoes. My main goal in the first game was just to try and maximize score by making multiples of five
possible around the outer edges of the board. The second player went the a strategy of trying to lock the board without really trying to make scoring a proirity.
The third player had a similar goal as me, but they wanted to keep the total multiples of five possible in scoring to the minimum multiple of five they could manage.
The third players goal was to keep scoring at low intervals.
Second Round) The second game, I paid less attention to scoring, and more to trying to counter the attempts to lock the board. I did this by introducing as much diversity in numbers
on the board as possible. The second player continued to try and lock the board, but was much more frustrated now. The third player was very lucky in their domino draws
as they were able to make multiples of five out of the variety presented on the board.
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memphisroots's Dominoes (Other)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Friday 1 February, 2013
GameLog closed on: Tuesday 5 February, 2013 |