dkirschner's Kinect Adventures! (360)
[May 22, 2013 08:05:57 PM]
Closing this one because I don't see myself ever playing it again. Tried it out with some friends after it'd been sitting on my shelf for 1.5 years. It's alright. Only 5 minigames that you just play over and over. A couple of them are pretty neat, like the whitewater rafting one (lean left/right to guide the raft, jump to make the raft jump, and try to collect a bunch of coins) and the plug-the-holes-in-the-glass one (position your hands and feet to stop water from flowing into your glass tank as devious underwater creatures try to crack the glass).
Actually the thing that surprised me most about playing the game was how tired my friends got. Out of shape! I figured at that point I could play it alone for exercise, but it's really boring alone. There are way more entertaining multiplayer games for Kinect. I need to get one of the dancing ones.
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dkirschner's Kinect Adventures! (360)
Current Status: Stopped playing - Got Bored
GameLog started on: Sunday 17 March, 2013
GameLog closed on: Wednesday 22 May, 2013 |
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