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    jvera4's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS3)

    [April 22, 2013 08:27:04 PM]
    So to get the immaturity out of the way- It's really hard to pick up a prostitute in Grand Theft Auto. Like incredibly hard, I thought it was as easy as driving up to one in a car and having money to spend on her. Apparently you have to have a car with no flaws whatsoever and honk but I still found that hard. Ok, so to move away from the subject, I think part of the problem might be with the respect and sex appeal bars that are a part of your character. The game allows you to shape your character and through missions and other game-long quests you gain more respect. One way outside of missions to gain respect is to kill rival gang members dressed in purple which walk in certain parts of the city. The increments in respect gained through this are small but they are a quick way to build respect within your gang. Another way is to wear the colors associated with your gang which is green. It's important to not though that rival gang members will open fire on you if spotted in green. I think, through playing the game, that you earn sex appeal by getting more muscular, wearing the right clothes, and having tattoos. A lot of these mimic what we see in real life- we believe that sexy people are fit and dress well and there are those that find tattoos sexy. A lot of these aspects of the character also represent what the culture finds pleasing. In cultures like this, it is imperative that you wear the right colors and do things (sometimes negative) that boost your standing within your group of peers. From inside the game, I think it's ethical do these things because the moral code for within the culture calls for it. From outside though, it certainly seems unethical to kill other people even if they're rival gang members but the game puts you in scenarios where the only option is to kill. I think the idea behind this is that it's utilitarianistic in that the means justify the ends. The hope is that by kill a certain person, you're righting a wrong or improving your position and that outweighs the negative of killing the person.
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    [April 21, 2013 06:40:23 PM]
    So I played Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for the first time in years today. I don't really remember much from the game. The game mechanics are fairly straightforward- X is to run, the left analog stick to move around, square to jump, triangle is the action button (get into cars, pick up objects, etc.), O is to melee or fire a weapon. Right from the start, you see a lot of stereotypes among the characters in San Andreas: the police assume that CJ, the main character, is a thug with drug money. I see the way CJ talks as being expected for his appearance- he cursed a lot and his accent is familiar with the gangster type. It’s worthy to not that one of the characters, Smokey, looks a lot like Eazy-E who was a famous gangster rapper back in the early 90s. The game plays on a lot on the stereotypes you would find in a city like San Andreas. There are different gangs that have different colors to represent them and the game includes controls for executing a drive-by shooting - if you have the right weapon. The first mission has you escaping from a rival gang as they try to gun you down in a car. You escape to your cul-de-sac which looks fairly run-down and most of the neighbors are part of the gang you represent. I’m going to keep playing through missions and see what else appears in the way of stereotypes in the game.
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    jvera4's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS3)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Sunday 21 April, 2013

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