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    Spethberg's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS3)

    [April 24, 2013 12:46:29 PM]
    I am going through this game with a certain sense of urgency i want so badly to become the best gang banger that i can be. I want it like someone would want "karma" on reddit. ONe problem i have is there is not enough back story that is given me and it is making me grasp at straws so to speak when it comes to relating and connecting with the main character. What is it exactly that he was doing on the east coast and why is it all the sudden different this time back. this has become to much of a distraction for me. I don't really feel that this game is very ethically challenging. There are certain things that are "unethical" i guess but in large its just a poor representation of a lifestyle that is a real necessity for people. It is a poor representation but interesting. It is not real life and I have a hard time finding a problem with it.
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    [April 23, 2013 07:31:54 PM]
    i feel that this game is very tempermental in what is a problem and what isn't, you can run into a cop car with i bike as much as you want and nothing is done about it but with a car it is a big deal. i spent the better part of an hour trying to get out of this glitch in the game where i was trapped by the car form a rival gang. It was very upsetting. this game almost trys to indoctrine crime into your mind (obviouslt not but hey) however i feel nothing when I'm done playing
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    [April 21, 2013 09:45:45 PM]
    This game is rather interesting. There are so many layers of stereotype and emotional depictions of groups both negative and positive. THe first thing you see is this one man being profiled by the cops, who falsely acuse him of doing a crime, just to get tabs on him tell him to watch his back and then dump him in a very dangerous part of town. it will be interesting to see how they warp the perception of the audience to paint this man as a hero and distract from his poors choices and life filler with crime
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    Spethberg's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS3)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Friday 19 April, 2013

    Spethberg's opinion and rating for this game

    No comment, yet.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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