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    jvera4's Columbine RPG (Arcade)

    [May 14, 2013 07:26:49 PM]
    So third time playing the game, I finally killed everyone in the school and found out how I was suppose to progress the game. I had to do a google search to find a walk-through to find out what the next move is. I blew up the bombs in the cafeteria then went to the library to the center window where a non-playable scene starts. I think this is a flaw in the gameplay- it should be semi-obvious to players to know what the next step in the game would be- I honestly didn't see that that was the next step. So when you're at the window- the cops start firing at you and then you fireback. Next you're given the choice to either kill yourselves at this time or continue killing students if you haven't already killed everyone. Once you kill yourself- you go to some weird island which I took to mean something like purgatory. The guys talk about what they could've done had they not killed themselves- as in maybe flying a plane into a building which the game cuts in with an image of 9/11 for a visual. I thought this was done in bad taste, while it maybe likely that Eric and Dylan would approve of 9/11 had they been alive to see it, it is not fair to make a statement like that in the game or make any implications like that. Eric is sent to hell and you play as him except he now doesn't have any of the items he had with him in the real world. This makes the game a lot harder as the demon imps found in the level deal a lot of damage and take a lot of damage. This is where I stopped playing the game- I got frustrated with the lack of health packs and the game itself got unbearable. The game- based solely on mechanics and visuals is bad and the story itself and some of the content is questionable.
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    [May 13, 2013 05:30:40 PM]
    So day 2 got into the real meat and bones of the gameplay. After finally planting the bombs in the cafeteria and meeting with Dylan to talk, it was time to get to the actual shooting. The talk with Dylan was interesting, the seem to be kinda normal but it looks as though they've been pushed into this because of bullying and that's where the speculation on their motives breaks down a bit. I think the bullying definitely played a role in the guys' decision to attempt to bomb the school and shoot up the students but I think there's just a inert flaw in their brain that led them to decided that this was the most reasonable solution to their troubles. A lot of victims of bullying wish to get revenge on bullies but most don't go about it in this fashion. I think a talk needs to be had with students at a very early age in order to diminish the amount of bullying that happens in schools and also teachers need to be aware of possible bullying so that they can end it before it progresses. Back to the gameplay, so the game itself is low quality and it affects how I feel about playing the game. After shooting for a while, I became disconnected with the actual act of shooting students in the school. I didn't care for the students like maybe I would if the game was done in other ways. I started to feel like I'm on the grind and just fighting to fight in the game- similar to the way I feel playing pokemon- sometimes you jut have grind it out in order to improve your team's stats or to catch certain pokemon.
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    [May 12, 2013 06:33:44 PM]
    So, first time playing, Columbine RPG is quite the game. The game revolves around the shooters from the Columbine shooting. I think the game itself is pretty bad- I didn't think it looked all that great aesthetically and the text was kinda hard to see- the t's looked like l's and the s's looked like g's. The combat is fairly straight forward, it's similar to pokemon's combat or really any other RPG's. Being able to play as the shooters was kinda scary and eerie. I like who they mention in the game that Marilyn Madison will be blamed for the actions of the shooters despite not really having anything to do with it. I think it was the creator's commentary on how the media portrays things but it would be crazy if it were the case that the shooters knew that Marilyn's music would be blamed for the shooting. I think it's strange that the one of the shooter's said he wished he'd been a sociopath because he's remorseful that he's going to go out and kill students. Something during that came up in the gameplay was the 'stealth' mission to plant the bombs- it was kinda hard to get past that part because some of the hall monitors start following you. It makes the game harder to advance even though it's a simple set up to the rest of the game. It took me quite a few attempts to get past this.
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    jvera4's Columbine RPG (Arcade)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Sunday 12 May, 2013

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