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    flapjack_fighter's Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge (PC)

    [March 5, 2014 03:39:08 PM]
    Having enjoyed the Space Quest games that I played when I was younger, I felt that this game would be a lot of fun. Playing those games prepared me for what I was about to experience in Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge. All the other Space Quests that I have played are point and click adventures. This one is a little different though but does not take away from the overall experience.

    Since this game was released in 1987, there's no fancy mouse clicking. The arrow keys move the character and actions are done by typing commands. To be able to use the commands, the player must be standing close to what he's trying to do. For instance, "wear pants" will not work if you are not standing near any pants. Objects can be found and are useful later on in the story.

    In all Space Quest games you play as Roger Wilco, a janitor. He is good at finding himself in bad situations and figuring a way out of them. Roger also seems to be good at saving the universe in humorous and outlandish ways. In Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge, Roger has saved the galaxy (Space Quest: The Sarien Encounter) only to be immediately forgotten by everyone. He is the head janitor on a space ship (also the only janitor) and is quickly kidnapped by a Sludge Vohaul. He makes Roger his slave and tells Roger about his plan to destroy his home planet. Wilco is then transported to one of Vohaul's work camps. Before he can get to the camp, the transporter runs out of gas and falls to the ground. Luckily, it kills the two guards who are in charge of looking after him. From there Roger is to find his way out and save the universe from Vohaul.

    Play Session 1:
    This wasn't my first time launching this game, but it was my first attempt at playing it. It did not go very well. After crash landing on the planet I was being transported to, the first thing I noticed was an annoying beeping noise. Since this noise was extremely loud, I decided to run away. I went to the east where there were 3 giant mushrooms. "Look" provided me some details about the scene. Typing "look" into the command line told me that the mushrooms, although purple, looked normal. Upon walking closer to one of the mushrooms to investigate, it happily ate me as seen by the big smile on it's face. The game informed me that I had died and must start over.

    Play Session 2:
    The second time didn't go much better than the first play through. I landed on the planet like the previous play. I then figured out how to turn off the annoying sound being ommited by the transporter. This time, instead of getting eaten by giant killer mushrooms, I walked north and then west, pretty much ignoring my surroundings. When I did not find anything particularly interesting in either of these scenes, I decided to walk east. I had not even gotten past the frame that I had originally gone north into before I was shot down by a search party. Again, the game told me I must start over.

    Game Summary:
    This game is fantastic! It took me back to my childhood, and I will definitely be playing it more in the near future. The only problem I had with it was the way it saved games. You have to create a folder before you launch the game, then type the address of the folder and give the save a name. I realize that this was the way to do it in 1987, but I'd be very disappointed if a game saved like that now. Other than that, I have can find no faults in this game (I don't really want to either). If you've never played a Space Quest game, they are worth looking into. I've had a lot of laughs and a lot of frustrations because of them. The original Space Quest was remade by Sierra (the original creators of the series), but this one did not. There is a 3rd party remake that apparently does not differ from the original too much.
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    flapjack_fighter's Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Monday 3 March, 2014

    flapjack_fighter's opinion and rating for this game

    Dated but still hilarious and enjoyable.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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