jp's Star Realms (iPd)
[August 22, 2014 09:51:27 AM]
I saw a friend recommend this game on Twitter the other day. I somehow misread his suggestion - I thought the game was a CCG when it's a deckbuilding game. Not a problem though.
Other than the terrible (as in not notable) name, this game is basically a slightly simpler version of 'Ascension'. It's simpler in some of its mechanics (and I'm pretty sure has less of them), but adds a few new things I've enjoyed.
I'm not sure what else to say about it other than the fact that some of the missions against hard AI are really hard...
I'm looking forward to playing other people online, but so far no luck. :-(
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jp's Star Realms (iPd)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Wednesday 20 August, 2014
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