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    Lüc's Melty Blood: Act Cadenza (Arcade)

    [January 19, 2007 05:57:25 AM]
    Oooh Kyuubi, I haven't met a single person who has even heard of that game lol. I like Tohno Shiki, but I think I like Nanaya more, thanks to his quick slash attack that hits for 8+ times an attack. I also tried Red Akiha, but I like just regular Akiha Tohno more. Just wondering which version do you play? Re-Act? Act Cadenza?
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    [January 16, 2007 02:02:57 AM]
    In response to Jade's comments, I watched Shingetsutan Tsukihime too, and while it wasn't one of my favorite animes, I really love the story, I just think the anime did a sub-par job of going into detail.

    In Act Cadenza, the combos that could be pulled off were insane. I could only pull off a 37 hit as my best, but that was not including a special move that hits for 20+ times, it was from various moves just chained together. I have seen up to a 68 hit be pulled off before, but the person getting attacked was new to the game, so I'm not sure it really counts. I can pull off 30+ combos fairly easily, but it also depends on who I am facing.

    In actuality, it is not extremely difficult to get out of combos. If you press attack buttons quick enough while in midair, you can recover in the air, and proceed to attack or defend as you see fit.

    Personally, I really enjoy large combos like that, so long as it is possible to get out of them. I have seen games where a single hit can lead to a neverending combo and you can do nothing to get out of it, ergo you lose. Extended combos can make or break the game, depending on your own personal opinion. Again, those combos are a double-edged sword. They are fun to use, terrible to get caught in.

    Akiha is my personal favorite character, both in the show and in the game. I really liked Warakia and Shiki Nanaya, but I'm not as good with them as I am with Akiha. She is creepy, but is actually a "good" character. Overall, Once again, I highly recommend picking this game up if you can.
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    [January 12, 2007 04:31:37 PM]
    Link Didn't end up going through, but go to Youtube and Type in Melty Blood. Best video, imo, is called "Melty Blood Combos", posted by ygh9184. Good video, good combos.
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    [January 12, 2007 05:40:55 AM]
    I was trying to think of a few things I found off in this game, and in truth there really aren't too many. I love the variety of characters, and each character excels in a single area or two, so there really are no "Overpowered" characers (Justice, for anyone who knows what I'm talking about).

    Forgot to add before, but the game has some of the best 2-D graphics I've seen in a fighter in all my years at the arcade. Every attack animation or character movement is displayed flawlessly; this high quality animation only adds to the enjoyment of this game, especially if you can appreciate good animation. The music was good, not great (I personally love the metal-theme of Guilty Gear), but it adds excitement and suspense to ingame play.

    Pertaining to characters, I loved each character design. Each character's move's list reflects their personalities and often adds emotion when playing against certain characters. Like any game, some characters are evil, some are good, some are mysterious, and some are just random as hell.

    My only problems with this particular game is how easy it is to beat the single-player arcade version. I know arcade fighters aren't supposed to be about single person play, but I found this one to be too easy, which led to the game getting bored if no one else was around to play.

    For anyone who wants to check out Melty Blood and see a little gameplay, heres a link to some gameplay from Youtube. Copy/paste this into a search engine ,
    and the video should be there.

    Personally, I use Nanaya Shiki, but my favorite character is Akiha Tohno. I think my personal best was a 37-hit combo with Akiha when I was playing the Single-player arcade version.

    This entry has been edited 2 times. It was last edited on Jan 17th, 2007 at 22:59:14.

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    [January 12, 2007 05:17:37 AM]
    Ok, I haven't played this game for about 2 weeks, since the arcade I play it at is back at home. The game is actually based on a Japanese visual novel game called "Tsukihime", but takes place a few years after the events in that game. The story revolves a young man name Shiki Tohno, who, while walking home from school one day, loses control of his body and kills a girl he sees. The next day, he sees the same girl he killed waiting for him at the same place he had killed her the day before. The girl ends up being a vampire, and then some other cliche game events happen ie: Shiki needs to learn the truth behind his past, fight a head vampire, so on.

    At first glance it seems like any other 2-D fast-paced fighter, and it initially reminded me of the Guilty Gear and Street Fighter series'. The difference between this game is the option of being able to counter an oppontent's move by a well-timed hit of an extra button on the arcade panel. Also, instead of a classic bar used to attack with special attacks, in Melty Blood a character must fill their Magic Circuit meter, and then enter "Heat" mode to attack with their strongest special move, called an Arc Drive.

    This game offers a huge variety of characters, including some characters in both human and vampire form. It also has a few comic relief characters, such as Neko Arc, who looks like a little creepy cat thing, to Hisui and Kohaku, twins who use an ass-load of weird items to attack.

    Overall, I think this a great game. While I don't consider it up there with Guilty Gear or Street Fighter, it is a fun game, easy to get into, but hard to master. I'd be surprised if anyone other than me has actually played this game, since I know a grand total of about 3 people who have even heard of it.
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    Lüc's Melty Blood: Act Cadenza (Arcade)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Friday 1 December, 2006

    Lüc's opinion and rating for this game

    Damn good game, came out for PS2, but was Japanese only. If you get a chance, check it out.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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