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    Leress's Barbarian Prince (Other)

    [February 10, 2015 09:46:58 PM]
    The goal is to raise 500 gold pieces before 70 game days have pass.
    Character Generation:
    Roll to determine starting gold, and "wit and wiles" stat.
    Roll and look at a table to determine results of an action that would be performed.
    Combat: Subtract Attacker's Combat Skill from Defender's, roll two dice and add that to the result as well as possible modifier due to the wounds of the combatants. Look at table and use the final result to determine the damage dealt.
    At the end of each game day the player and companions eat 1 meal. If there isn't one then they starve, but it won't kill any characters, just adds a penalties.

    The rules work very well, it was slightly confusing since the combat table doesn't tell you that if a result is not on the chart the damage is zero.
    It is also not clear on which actions stop travel and which do not.

    The Setup is quick and the starting location is randomly determined from one of six locations. The player always starts with no food so the usually means that the player will have to use the first day trying to get food.
    It does get cumbersome with constantly flipping through the rule book and event books when you wanted to do an action, making a special book for the more common actions would have helped.
    The game is quite difficult since there are many chances for multiple enemies to attack when the player only has one person in the party.

    I played Dungeons and Dragons as well as other fantasy games and watched fantasy movies. I also played a number of Rogue-likes: (Nethack, ADOM, Rogue, Rogue Legacy, Guided Fate Paradox,Zettai Hero Project) I came into the game ready to lose very quickly and having many deaths.
    This game seems to have come from the need for games that could be played with only one person, but that person still wanted an experience that was like playing with friends during a session of a pen and paper role-playing game.
    This game has a cult following and a couple of games were inspired by it. One being Road of Kings for IOS and Android.

    Session 1
    Day 1
    Started in the Ruins of Jakor's Keep
    Attacked and surprised by a Great Hunting Cat: After 6 rounds was victorious
    Day 2
    Cross the river to the south into the forest and no other events
    Day 3
    Hunted for food and gain 5 food, ate 2 to reduce starvation penalties
    Day 4
    Tried to move south from the forest and became lost
    Day 5
    Still lost
    Day 6
    Hunted for food, got 2 food
    Day 7
    No longer lost and moved south and met with a band of 6 elves: Surprised and attacked by them and after 5 rounds died.
    Final amount of gold: 1

    Session 2
    Day 1
    Started in the town of Ogon, left
    Day 2
    Hunted and gained 8 Food, ate 2
    Day 3
    Day 4
    Day 5
    Went south and found Ruins
    Choose to explore ruins
    Encountered and surprised by 2 Bandits and their leader
    After 5 rounds (with 2 failed Escapes) Defeated
    Final Gold: 0

    This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Feb 10th, 2015 at 21:48:03.

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    Leress's Barbarian Prince (Other)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 10 February, 2015

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