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    jsb464's Texas hold'em (Other)

    [February 11, 2015 12:39:05 AM]
    Texas hold'em is a popular variation of poker.

    Normally the goal is to leave with more than you came with. In this friendly game, the goal is to leave with EVERYTHING (be the last person in the game).

    Players use their personal cards(two visible only to them) along with the "community cards" (five cards shown to everyone) to make the best five card hand possible.

    Betting is a large aspect of this game, usually using chips as currency, and their are many ways this is incorporated into gameplay.

    Betting starts with player roles. A player can be a dealer, big blind, and small blind. In this experience, big blind and small blind are left out to simplify the game, and the role of dealer rotated clockwise.

    Since the roles of blinds were left out, we used ante (each hand we all throw in a base amount so there is always money in the pot)

    Once the cards are dealt, betting starts with the person to the left of the dealer. Each player may pick from the options below.

    Raise - the player adds to the pot
    call - the player matches the previous raise
    check - the player passes betting to the next player (can only be done if the previous player has not raised or called)
    fold - If a player does not want to match a previous bet, or simply wishes to step back, they may choose to fold and forfeit the hand.

    Once betting is finished, the first three "community cards" are revealed, followed by another round of betting. This process is repeated two more times for the last two cards.

    After the final round of betting is finished, players still in reveal their hands and whoever has the highest hand wins.

    --game 1--
    for the purpose of this game log, myself and two friends played with 20 chips each (With a lot of money, the game can continue for a painfully long time)

    each hand will follow the folowwing format:
    Hand x (x is the hand we are on)
    Dealer: x (whoever dealt
    Cards : (Suite followed by value, H-hearts, S-spades, C-Clubs, D-diamonds, J-Jack, Q-Queens, K-Kings, A-Ace)
    Round x : (cards shown and betting involved)
    Results: (end opinions and who won the hand)
    total: JB x MC x TS x (Jonathan's, Matt's, and Thomas's respective totals)

    Hand 1
    Dealer: Jonathan (that is me by the way)
    Cards: D2 D6 (Low values, but i love the possibility of a flush or a straight)
    Round 1: We all ante up (2 chips) and we all check (which I'm fine with, i like to wait till the first three cards are shown)
    Round 2: HA DK D3 are shown. Matt raises by 3, Thomas folds, and i call. (Happily i might add, One card away from a flush)
    Round 3: D8 Matt checks, I raise by 2 (Matt doesn't seem like he just got a flush and I'm hiding that I have. I'm betting low to bait him in)
    Round 4: H8 Matt raises 5, I call (Matt acts like he just got a full house. I think he's bluffing, but I'm not sure.)
    Results: Matt throws out his hand, showing DJ DA which is a higher straight then what I had. He laughs and rakes in his winnings. This may be a quick game for me.
    Total: JB 8 MC 34 TS 18

    Hand 2
    Dealer: Matt
    Cards: HQ C5
    Round 1: We ante up. Thomas raises 2 and we all call.
    Round 2: DQ C6 S9 Thomas checks, I raise by 2, and we all call(At this point a flush and a straight seem unlikely, while my high pair looks pretty good. Keep it up ladies)
    Round 3: D6 Thomas raises 2, I call, and Matt goes out. (Really? I'm hoping he doesn't have 3 6's. Having faith in my ladies, aka my pair of queens)
    Round 4: C10 Thomas forces me to go all in or fold, and I go all in (Might as well)
    Results: He had pocket kings! Really! His pair was one higher than mine.
    Total: JB 0 MC 30 TS 30 (And just like that this has been one of the quickest games I've taken part in. They played a few more hands before Thomas won the whole thing. )

    --game 2--
    the format will follow the same as the last one

    Hand 1
    Dealer: Matt
    Cards: H9 H10 (Awesome, pretty high cards, close together so possibility of a straight, and same suit so possibility of a flush)
    Round 1: We Ante up and we all check (gonna try to play it a little safe since last game was so short)
    Round 2: C10 D8 CK Thomas raises 2 and we all call (flush is gone, and straight is very unlikely. Thomas seems like he just got a pair of kings but who knows.)
    Round 3: C8 Thomas raises 5, i fold, Matt calls (I don't feel comfortable with my pair of tens so i bow out)
    Round 4: HK Thomas raises 3, Matt folds (Thomas's face lights up when he sees another king and Matt decides it isn't worth it.)
    Results: Well Matt never got what we wanted and apparently Thomas only had his pair of tens. Little liar. Matt looks stunned)
    total: JB 16 MC 11 TS 33

    Hand 2
    Dealer: Thomas
    Cards: DJ D10 (I love hands like these, again high values, same suit, and right next to each other)
    Round 1: We all ante, I raise 1, and we all call. (Gotta keep it lively)
    Round 2: S7 S3 D9 I check, Matt raises 3, We all call (I'm not too happy with this. I am only one card away from a straight, but luck's not treating me well)
    Round 3: HK Thomas raises 3, and we all call again (Thomas seems to like kings. Matt is playing it cool. and I don't trust either of them, but i wanna get that staight)
    Round 4: C8 I raise 3, and everyone calls, with matt going all in (Oh look A STRAIGHT, common money!)
    Results: Matt had a pair of tens. not sure why he stayed in. Maybe he needed to leave or just thought we were bluffing. Thomas had a pair of kings and a pair of eights, which is pretty respectable. BUT MINE IS BETTER! (I liked this hand)
    total: JB 39 MC 0 TS 21

    Hand 3
    Dealer: Me
    Cards: C6 H3 (not a good start)
    Round 1: Ante up and we all check (Thomas doesn't seem to like his hand either)
    Round 2: H5 D7 DQ I raise 2 and he calls (Thomas doesn't seem too exited. I'm a card away from a straight, but that's still a longshot)
    Round 3: C4 I raise 1 and he calls reluctantly (I really think I got this one. I can't believe i got a second straight.)
    Round 4: D4 I raise 2, Thomas folds ( I'm guessing Thomas didn't even feel like bluffing, must have had nothing.)
    Results: I won with a straight and Thomas looks a little relieved he didn't stay in.
    total: JB 44 MC 0 ST 16

    Hand 4
    Dealer: Thomas
    Cards: HK DA (Heck yea, I'll take this hand any day)
    Round 1: We ante up and i raise 2 (Thomas seems okay with it and I have money to blow)
    Round 2: H8 S4 D9 I raise 2, Thomas raises to 3, and I call (I'm a little worried, I may have been a little overconfident here)
    Round 3: SA I raise 2, Thomas calls (Overconfident till i die! Pair of aces and not much else is on the board at the moment)
    Round 4: I raise 4, and thomas calls (I think thomas thinks I'm bluffing, or maybe he really has something good. But unless he pulls a 2 and a 5 i think i'm good.)
    Results: He had a pair of nines. So i'll be taking these chips.
    total: JB 47 MC 0 TS 3

    Hand 5
    Dealer: Me
    Cards: D5 C3
    Round 1: We ante up and thomas says he's going all in and we laugh. I call. Since there is no more betting left, Thomas and I reveal our hands. He has S5 C8.
    Round 2: D6 CJ C2 (I'm one away from a straight, but aside from that we are even)
    Round 3: D8 (thomas is very happy. And I'm hoping for that straight)
    Round 4: S8 (Thomas is smug as can be. Guess three straights in a row is a bit much to ask for)
    Results: Thomas won. I hope this isn't the start of a comeback.
    total: JB 44 MC 0 TS 6

    Hand 6
    Dealer: Thomas
    Cards: CQ H2 (I'll take the queen but the two is disappointing)
    Round 1: We ante up and Thomas pulls the same trick, going all in again. I don't laugh as much this time and call. He shows he has C3 D5.
    Round 2: S5 C8 S7 (Really? Two more cards to go.)
    Round 3: D6 (Now he's working on getting a straight. This is ridiculous)
    Round 4: HQ (That's what I'm talking about!)
    Results: I win. Sweet
    total: JB 60 MC 0 Ts 0
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    jsb464's Texas hold'em (Other)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 10 February, 2015

    jsb464's opinion and rating for this game

    --opinion-- I personally enjoy this game. However, the people I play with affect my experience immensely.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

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    1 : Texas hold'em (Other) by jlb834 (rating: 5)


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