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    jinngonqui's Empires and Allies (Other)

    [May 10, 2015 01:22:45 AM]
    Player Hat:
    The first couple of hours were well paced and fun, visually and interactively. As battle-units were needed in greater number and diversity, I found my self putting the tablet down, and waiting for time'd upgrades to be built. I have a principle-based problem with paying to speed-up, which might seem silly when talking about free-to-play games. The "defense", however, is that why spend real-money if I can just let real-time pass while I come here and post a log entry -- or grab a sandwich, or whatever. Alas, I can't just set it down and comeback in a half-hour, I have to keep interacting with the interface.

    Artist Hat:
    Decent visual contrast and hue balances. View framing is also good with consistent control of camera orientation. Unit upgrades are subtle, and could be a tad more elaborate in order to keep the visual progress perceptible.

    Designer Hat:
    I don't feel like I have kicked enough problems yet to have a well formulated opinion on design -- stay tuned.
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    jinngonqui's Empires and Allies (Other)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Sunday 10 May, 2015

    jinngonqui's opinion and rating for this game

    Interface of battle-units swapping, was not clear. It appeared as stock piling, not swapping. Many monetary and supply resources were wasted early on. Granted, maybe a more adept RM player might not have done as I did. It would seem a better idea to make the tablet game more friendly to new/non RM players.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstar

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