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    bdjones's Resident Evil 2 (GC)

    [January 12, 2007 02:45:25 PM]
    I decided to quit playing resident evil 2, because of the redunancy of the puzzles and limited gameplay and rehashed storyline. I have also decided to take up the latest part of the series Resident Evil 4, which after 5 min of playing had greatly improved upon all the shortcomings of resident evil 2. However Resident Evil 4 is a completely new style of game compared to the older resident evils. A better choice in terms of gameplay would be the Resident evil original remake for Gamecube or the coninuation Resident Evil Code Veronica, neither are as revolutionary for the franchise as Resident Evil 4 is but a much better play than Resident Evil 2.
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    [January 12, 2007 01:16:39 PM]
    Resident Evil 2 is a decent game overall, but lacks enough to keep playing in the option to play as the second character. In the second half of the game you gain a new playable character, but you start out in nearly the exactly same levels as the first character and end up doing 90% of the same puzzles. The resulting gameplay is definitely not good, and possibly the avid gamer would complete the story arc but in its redundancy it was too boring to complete for me. In turn the game gets slow fast, as you finish the few levels, and the storyline remains average enough to not even care about finishing the game.

    This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Jan 17th, 2007 at 17:12:48.

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    bdjones's Resident Evil 2 (GC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Friday 12 January, 2007

    GameLog closed on: Tuesday 2 January, 2007

    bdjones's opinion and rating for this game

    Average/Good initial Gameplay, Keeps you interested enough to finish. Second storyline makes you want to fall asleep, with the same puzzles, and near identical level design.

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstar

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