dkirschner's Dustforce (PC)
[October 2, 2015 11:51:57 PM]
Like Super Meat Boy, but with a broom instead of meat. You platform around levels sweeping up leaves, dust, ooze, or whatever dirtiness is coating the surfaces, killing enemies, and avoiding spike pits. Tons of levels that you have to score well on to get points/experience to unlock keys to use on more levels that you have to score well on to get points/experience to unlock different keys to use on more levels…
Controls are very fluid, and with the soft music, this is an oddly relaxing game, very much the opposite of Super Meat Boy in that respect.
Actually, after playing it longer tonight, there is some Tribes in here. The levels where you build up speed by sliding down declines and launch up, back down onto another decline, leap onto the ceiling upside down, slide across, drop down to another decline, speed down it, and use your super move to kill all the enemies at the bottom. These are the best parts of the game. I wish there were more of them, and I wish there were some sort of narrative tying this together. I am having fun, but I’m running out of doors to open without going and trying to improve my scores, which I don’t have much motivation to do. I really like the soundtrack though. Seriously, oddly soothing. Yay, the soundtrack is in the Humble Bundle.
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dkirschner's Dustforce (PC)
Current Status: Stopped playing - Got Bored
GameLog started on: Wednesday 12 August, 2015
GameLog closed on: Sunday 16 August, 2015 |
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