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    bdjones's Resident Evil 4 (GC)

    [January 16, 2007 04:17:15 PM]
    Well after giving up on Resident Evil 2. And just recently started playing Resident Evil 4. For clarification the first gamelog was just a small comment on how much I hate Resident Evil 2 not the actual log. Resident Evil 4 has vastly improved on the gameplay aspects of the Resident Evil Franchise, evolving from the bad horror movie camera angles to a real third person shooter with fully interactable environments. No more annoying door opening animation sequences, and absurb counter-intutitive controls. The overall effect is a much more seamless gameplay that allows the player to dive right into the action-packed storyline from the begining, instead of fighting camera and controls as much as the zombies. Although the puzzles stay relatively the same throughout the Resident Evil franchise, the overall presentation, redone control structure, menu systems, and combat system take Resident Evil 4 exponentially past the other zombie shooters.
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    [January 12, 2007 03:08:44 PM]
    I recently finished Resident Evil 4, The subsequent boss fights were somewhat annoying but overall the game ended nicely, the unlockable extras were really interesting such as the game Separate Ways which reveals the parallel storyline of Ada Wong. Overall the challenging levels made for a fun experience and the upgradeable weapons definitely helped game along. Personally the second storyline was much faster and more interesting if not frustrating, but revealed all the quirks in the storyline that were left unexplained. The best redeeming feature of the game is the mercenaries mini-game were you get limited time and ammo, and you just get to kill zombies, although the mini-game was also featured in Resident Evil Code Veronica, the various weapons, melee attacks, over the shoulder view, and new characters allow for a much more interesting gameplay.

    This entry has been edited 2 times. It was last edited on Feb 5th, 2007 at 00:06:16.

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    bdjones's Resident Evil 4 (GC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 9 January, 2007

    GameLog closed on: Wednesday 17 January, 2007

    bdjones's opinion and rating for this game

    Great original gameplay and fantastic presentation

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstarstar

    Related Links

    See bdjones's page

    See info on Resident Evil 4

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    2 : Resident Evil 4 (GC) by aelin (rating: 5)
    3 : Resident Evil 4 (GC) by aelin (rating: 5)
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    6 : Resident Evil 4 (Wii) by bluedude17 (rating: 4)
    7 : Resident Evil 4 (GC) by CptnWaffles (rating: 3)
    8 : Resident Evil 4 (Wii) by Junker (rating: 5)
    9 : Resident Evil 4 (Wii) by liddell0wnZ (rating: 5)
    10 : Resident Evil 4 (Wii) by lifeasjames (rating: 5)
    11 : Resident Evil 4 (GC) by Robodum! (rating: 4)
    12 : Resident Evil 4 (GC) by SCDevinA (rating: 5)
    13 : Resident Evil 4 (GC) by SlashFiend (rating: 5)
    14 : Resident Evil 4 (PS2) by TimBot9000 (rating: 5)


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