hcasey1's The Last of Us Remastered (PS4)
[January 25, 2017 05:19:55 PM]
Continuing on in The Last of Us, the smuggling of the child has gotten a little messy. Obviously, if you are reading this game log entry, you aren't worried about spoilers, so I won't worry about keeping it vague. As the main characters were progressing though, the realize that the girl being smuggled had been infected with the zombie virus, but had not turned into a zombie. At this point, they questioned going through with the smuggling. They were asked to smuggle her to a lab or something (I haven't gotten there, yet) so that her blood could be tested - they think she holds the cure. They get noticed by the authorities while sneaking out, and they have to stealthily advance through the level. They also have to use stealth to get around zombies once they have made it into the city. It's actually a pretty fun game!
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hcasey1's The Last of Us Remastered (PS4)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Monday 23 January, 2017