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    tw132's Fluxx (Other)

    [January 31, 2017 08:42:21 PM]
    Fluxx is a card game that starts out simple, but it can get out of hand quickly. The game starts with each player holding three cards and with the basic rules card on the table. The basic rules state that for each player's turn, that player must draw one card and play one card.

    The cards players can encounter will either be goals, keepers, creepers, actions, or new rules. Goals are the cards that allow players to win the game. While a goal is on the table, a player that meets all of the requirements listed by the goal card wins the game. Keepers are the cards that are used to satisfy the win conditions of the goal cards. Creepers are cards that must be immediately put on the table, and the player that drew the creeper draws a card to replace it. Creepers say that this player cannot win the game unless the goal says otherwise. Actions are cards that have an effect on the game and are discarded. Some actions include stealing a keeper from another player, swapping keepers with another player, and drawing three cards. New rules cards either add new rules or override the current rules of the game. These can either make players draw a different number of cards, play a different number of cards, or change some other aspect of the game. These rules can also impose limits, such as a keeper limit and a hand limit.

    The version of Fluxx I played was Monty Python and the Holy Grail Fluxx. The different editions of Fluxx change the flavor of the cards in the deck to suit the given theme. In Monty Python Fluxx, this makes the keepers be characters from the movie, while the goals are references from the movie. If there was one thing this game could do better, I would say Fluxx needs to write their cards with all of the additional rules in mind. For example, there was a new rules card in play that replaced every digit "3" with the digit "5" on every card. While my opponent was playing a "Draw 3, Play 2" card, the text on the card says "Draw 3 cards, then choose and play 2 cards. Discard the last card." With the rule, this meant he drew 5 cards and played 2 cards. Due to the text on the card, we did not know whether he discarded a card and kept the rest, or if he should discard the other 3 cards he drew. Other than this one problem with the cards, this game is simple to start and fun to play until someone wins.

    With the way Fluxx works, the game sets a basic set of rules, then gives the players the means to change the rules. Most of the time this is easy for the players to enforce, but there are times when the interactions come down to the players' interpretations of the rules. Because of these, the gameplay and interactions can change based on how the players interpret these rules. There is a certain strategy involved about when to play certain cards. If a player plays these cards too quickly, the opponents can see this and try to interrupt the player's plans.

    This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Feb 2nd, 2017 at 14:51:54.

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    tw132's Fluxx (Other)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 31 January, 2017

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