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    sem371's Backgammon (Other)

    [February 1, 2017 11:25:35 AM]
    Some of the best games have the simplest ideas behind them. Backgammon has a very clear goal. Move your pieces across the board before the other player. There are rules in between, but that's the main objective at its core. The most infuriating, but important mechanic of the game is putting a player in jail. If you leave one piece on a space by itself the opposing player can trap that piece and force you to put all moves on hold until you roll doubles. The idea behind that aspect of the game can be frustrating, but it allows for other strategies that otherwise wouldn't be included. Do you put the other player in jail to get a lead? Do you not take the chance of having them moving from the beginning and having the opportunity to get you back? It also allows for the comeback. If a player has a huge lead halting their moves is a nice chance to catch up making the game more interesting. The other key rule I found in this game is forcing moves if that move is available. In backgammon if there is an available move for the combination of the dice, but only one move available for one individual die then the combination must be taken. This forces moves that you may not want to make and pushes players into taking the strategy that puts them in the least vulnerable position. All of these simple ideas lead to a potentially frustrating or rewarding experience.
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    sem371's Backgammon (Other)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Wednesday 1 February, 2017

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