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    slr392's Cards Against Humanity (Arcade)

    [February 2, 2017 10:22:16 PM]
    Cards Against Humanity is a self-proclaimed party game for horrible people (more on this later). The game is played with no board, just two decks of cards. The white deck is much larger and contain the cards that go into the players hand and are all nouns or nominalized verbs. The black deck is smaller and contains question cards, this is how the game keeps score.

    The game starts by each player drawing a hand (10) of randomized white cards that are face-down in a pile. After that and each player has had a chance to review their hand. Then starting with, as the game says, the player who has defecated most recently, that player draws a black card and reads it aloud. Then the other players choose a card (or two, or three depending on the black card) and submit those answer cards face down. The reader then shuffles the cards and rereads the black card followed by each answer. Usually hilariously offensive combinations are made hence the game being for 'horrible people'. The reader then chooses his/her favorite answer and awards the black card to the player who played the chosen answer. Then the player to the readers left reads a black card and the game continues in this manner until a player has accumulated 10 black cards.

    For this game-log, my roommate and I will be playing with the optional 'Rando Calrisian' rule since the game is better played as a larger group. During the answer submission phase we will select a random white card and include it in the possible answers. If the random card is chosen it is awarded to an imaginary player who can win if they accumulate 10 black cards first.

    Game 1:

    Started with me, some funny and very racist and lewd card combinations were played. Including such all-time favorites as "My new favorite porn star is Joey "Hurricane Katrina" McGee" and "Before hormone injections all we had was whining like a little bitch."

    Game 1 Reflection:

    This game played out very much like I imagine the game designers had envisioned. The objects all worked well together and as it turned out Rando won. Sometimes RNJesus really is within us all.

    Game 2:

    Very similar to the first game, however some card combinations were a lot less inappropriate such as "TSA Guidelines now prohibit Morgan Freeman's voice on airplanes" and "Hey baby come back to my place and I will show you chugging a lava lamp."

    Game 2 Reflection:

    This game was less luck based than the previous one. I ended up winning with the second quoted card combination. Though as previously stated this game was clearly made to be a party game. It loses quite a lot of its fun being played with just two players and a random player.

    Overall Reflection:

    This game works very well in the environment and with the demographic it was designed to fit. They have a lot of interesting rules such as Rando and also, if you do not know what a card means you can discard it and face the public ridicule of not knowing something, but you get to draw a new card. All in all this game is a hilarious party game that is a really fun experience to play with long-time friends or as an ice-breaker. I would highly recommend this game and for its purposes I do not think I would change anything if I designed this game.
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    slr392's Cards Against Humanity (Arcade)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Thursday 2 February, 2017

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