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    FunkCracker's Pikmin (GC)

    [October 24, 2003 02:37:08 PM]
    Well, this is about the 3rd (4th?) day of Pikmin for me. It's a terribly cute game, and loads of fun. I haven't really felt like it's a "strategy" game yet. It's more of a puzzle game. Perhaps now that I have all three colors of Pikmin (just got my blue ones!), I will start running into more interesting puzzles.

    I kind of go back and forth on the whole time limit thing. It is a cool way to push you forward and keep you from just harvesting mad amounts of Pikmin. Even so, if I don't collect at least one part in a day, I'll play the level over (and much efficiently now that I know what to do).

    I have instituted a "No Pikmin left behind" program. Basically, I don't mind if Pikmin die in battle, but I cannot leave any behind! I also care if a lot die because I do something stupid like run 60 red ones into the water on accident. Today I killed 26 blues just trying to get the part out of that damn clam shell on the first stage. I probably should've bombed it with a yellow one or two, but oh well. I can grow more.

    I think the Exceptional Bolt has been my favorite part so far. Those guys at Nintendo are clever.
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    FunkCracker's Pikmin (GC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 21 October, 2003

    FunkCracker's opinion and rating for this game

    Very addicting

    Rating (out of 5):starstarstarstar

    Related Links

    See FunkCracker's page

    See info on Pikmin

    More GameLogs
    other GameLogs for this Game
    1 : Pikmin (GC) by ladybugch9 (rating: 4)
    2 : Pikmin 2 (GC) by Ginkeifighter4 (rating: 5)
    3 : Pikmin 2 (GC) by Ginkeifighter4 (rating: 5)


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