jp's Sonic Colors (DS)
[November 27, 2017 12:20:58 PM]
Made it all the way to the 5th world and it's been fun. The game is quite like the classic sidescrolling sonics, but with new mechanics and things - there are these wisps that grant you a special ability. Also, there are boss levels, which are rendered in low-res 3D polygons.
I only stopped playing because, in the underwater levels, I got tired of dying from running out of air while also experiencing weird checkpoint glitches. A few times I had to re-start really far back and, though this only happened in boss fights, the boss would get stuck in the "final mode" but not really be vulnerable in the way it should have. So, I got frustrated, looked at the pile of pending games and decided it was time to move on. :-)
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jp's Sonic Colors (DS)
Current Status: Stopped playing - Technical problems
GameLog started on: Sunday 19 November, 2017
GameLog closed on: Monday 27 November, 2017 |
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