Dylan Draxler's Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor (PC)
[February 15, 2018 06:36:30 PM]
I played for about 45 minutes today. I ended up doing a main mission and a few side things. I'm interested to see where the story goes, and why the main character is tied to this wraith figure. I also think it would be interesting to learn more about the orcs, since I've never really followed Lord of the Rings. Why are they all violent and seemingly evil? This game also makes me really interested to see how the second game is.
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[February 14, 2018 11:57:21 PM]
Today I played Shadow of Mordor for about an hour. I'm still very much enjoying the game and I might even look into getting the next one once this is finished. I basically just did side missions for the most part as I wanted to explore the world more and see what else there was to discover. As I said before I really like the nemesis system and I'm interested to see what it's like in the next game. Another potential ethical issue with this game that I thought of is the fact that there are humans who have been enslaved. I could see this as potentially offensive to some people. The orcs are also portrayed as all being the same and having zero redeeming qualities which could potentially be touchy.
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[February 13, 2018 11:15:41 AM]
Today I started playing Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. This is a game that I always wanted to play but never got around to purchasing. I played for about two hours today. I found the story to be interesting so far but the strongest aspect of the game is definitely its gameplay. I think the game introduces some cool things that I haven't seen in anything else. For example, there's the whole nemesis system where enemies that defeat you and that you defeat come back. I think it's cool because it gives more feeling to the fights. As far as things that raise ethical questions, the most obvious is the amount of violence. This is the classic issue with videogames of this type.
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