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    epshapir's Mischief Makers (N64)

    [January 16, 2007 03:33:48 AM]
    I started playing the game in the late evening at a dinner party with friends somewhere other than my home, with the intention of playing through as much as I could strait. The game itself, a sidescroller often compared to a "Japanese family-style Sonic the Hedgehog" by my friends, is relatively straitforward. For the most part, you control a character who moves from left to right on a screen: dashing, jumping, grabing, and shaking things. That's pretty much it, with a few complications and additions in various levels. The entire game consists of only around 55 or 60 levels, bosses included. The levels often include puzzles you have to solve, various items that have to be aquired or retrieved, and bosses with unknown health and various forms. The difficulty is fair and the levels are varied, grouped in sets of 10 per "world." Around an hour or an hour and a half of playing (around level 35 or 37 I'd say), dinner was served and play was delayed for at least twenty minutes to a quarter hour. When dinner concluded, play resumed and my total time for play was three hours and twenty one minutes, dinner included (as i left on the N64). I was only able to complete the game 5 levels shy of the final boss, ending on the 5th level of the 6th world. It's a fun game, one that often reminds me of other side scrollers from its time.
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    epshapir's Mischief Makers (N64)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Monday 15 January, 2007

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