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    pring99's This is the Police (PC)

    [August 30, 2018 10:11:54 PM]
    If you divide the people who play the game into two. One is a fully immersive player. When playing games, these people often can't distinguish between the characters being manipulated and themselves. They think that the characters they control are themselves, and they experience the same experience as him. The same feeling as him; and another person, it is clear that he is himself. The character in the game may be just the puppets under their line. Different from the previous storytelling mode of text games, this game is more like letting you write a story yourself. There are also many moral choices: players can choose to help their deputy to escape the mafia's claws. But they themselves have to be the mafia's eyeliner; or because they found that the mayor had raped their favorite female prosecutor, so they made various choices against the city government and ousted the mayor in the first half of retirement. The source of these stories is the player itself, and the player is the only one who decides it. However, the player will find that when they are immersed in the game, they are not just you who have just opened the game. The pressure and moral principles of the various parties force them to make choices that would otherwise make them unable to look directly. Finally, they became a puppet, perhaps a puppet of money, perhaps a gangster's puppet, or an emotional puppet. The moment when the game gives players the best experience is not the moment when they get out of the gangsters, not the moment when they successfully retire and care for themselves, but the moment they close the computer. When players think about themselves in the game, they will find that they can make that choice at that time. It was originally under such pressure from all sides that they were such a person, a person who was paralyzed on the edge of morality.
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    [August 29, 2018 11:23:54 PM]
    Today I spent half an hour on this game and I obtained some deeper thoughts. First of all, I finally figured out the purpose of the game: make half a million dollar before the police chief retired. It is very difficult to make under the normal circumstance as the regular salary is only 1200 dollar per week. So the players have to make some choice that is ethical: selling some stuff which officer found after police tasks by the gang or helping some people which are not from the government to obtain certain profits. I think it is hard to define how far it is from the limit of morality to be a corrupt police chief. Another situation is that the players have to strike a balance between the government and the gang. They must help both at the same time and not affect the interests of each. I think it is a bit like trying to find a balance between morality and depravity because the police have no choice, he is just a nobody.
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    [August 28, 2018 10:33:18 PM]
    This is the Police is a kind of Simulation Games and I have played for more than three hours. The reason why I choose this game is that I was attracted to the minimalist game cover. I was amazed after getting into the game. It is not just like traditional Simulation Games, it has rich game plot and purpose. Players have to be a retired police chief in the middle of the night to assign daily police tasks. However, it is not as simple as it looks. There are lots of ethical choices which player can choose. For instance, players can choose whether or not they have a connection to the local gang, or they can murder employees which they cannot fire through a trap quest. What makes me interesting is the idea of the police chief in the game plot, called "eight of ten". It means that the police chief consents officer's privacy twice when there are ten things in total. The police chief thinks his officers will be more supportive and the ratio will not exceed his moral limit. I think that is a quite realistic representation of ethical choice. People who properly ignore certain unethical actions will become more smooth and evasive in the society.
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    pring99's This is the Police (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 28 August, 2018

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