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    u1046618's This is the Police (PC)

    [August 31, 2018 12:00:54 AM]
    The game clearly wants me to be making hard decisions over money and the law. The way I see it, Jack has a lot more things to worry about than money. As soon as I hit continue game, Jack got a letter showing a picture of the family they killed as a result of refusing their offer, and then they decided I would accept anyways. This makes it fairly obvious that the "correct" choice would have been to accept to begin with. Well, that's happened now. The anti-black people havent done anything despite their warning that I need to fire my black cops. Holding fast seems to have worked in this instance. The mafia is trying to get me to overlook their crimes, while city hall is trying to get me to waste good cops on a movie screening while I'm understaffed today (one if my cops is an alcoholic). Near the end of my gameplay they had me do a psych profile, which was a not-so-subtle way if telling me what happened between Jack and his wife. Whether or not the character's know that I'll have to wait and see till the next time I pick this game up. One interesting thing I had the thought about, is that none of the characters have any distinct facial features, which serves to distance the player from them. Despite that, or maybe in spite of it(?), I have grown somewhat attached to my police force and had a bit of a scare when I was unable to send any backup for them while defying the mafia. Luckily it all worked out for the best (I hope). I feel like the game has something really interesting to say to me, but that it just hasn't clicked yet, or I haven't dug deep enough yet. There is something just beneath the surface here.

    This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Sep 6th, 2018 at 22:09:59.

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    [August 29, 2018 11:59:39 PM]
    Ok here we go, I've been exploring new musical options and hey, turns put that one guy who the media suspected of colluding with the mafia actually did. I feel like in the last log I didn't do enough speculative thinking, so here goes nothing. This game seems to have a pretty straightforward message hidden between some convoluted questions. Chiefly (that was a pun) it seems to want to ask if corruption is worth the price those around you lay and the price you will eventually pay. In this session I declined one of my characters "friend's" request to help the mafia to help save him and his family. He was worried about his daughter and wife, but from what I'm to know I have at least 2 sons and what seems to be a soon to be ex-wife. The question the game wants to know is if I would risk their innocent lives to save the family of a guilty man. I have to say, the numbers dont add up in his favor. That's my choice in the matter but I can see where that's a heavy question hir most people. Is my family worth more than this man's? Is my life worth more than his? Does he deserve the treatment he's been getting? Another development has me a bit worried. There has been an uproar from an anti-black movement, and because of the danger posed, I was asked to fire my black cops to "protect them". I have a few problems with this. My black cops are some of my best and brightest and firing them would never have crossed my mind as the thing to do. In fact I'm pretty sure from context clues that the only reason the game wants me to fire them is so that they dont die on my watch. This strikes me as utter bull. For that reason, and that I dont have a legal way to fire them even if I wanted to, I have opted to keep them and hope for the best. Though, considering this is a game with dark themes, I don't have much hope to hold onto.

    This entry has been edited 1 time. It was last edited on Aug 30th, 2018 at 00:01:30.

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    [August 29, 2018 11:44:25 PM]
    I started up the game this evening to find the introduction and music to be in stunning contrast to what I had expected. I cant even remember what I expected but I found it to be very introspective and it has a lot to say, if your willing to listen. The game has two things I always enjoy: good music, and a healthy dislike for political figures. So far it's been an easy ride and my cops have been mostly successful. Later I suppose we'll see what happens.
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    u1046618's This is the Police (PC)

    Current Status: Playing

    GameLog started on: Tuesday 28 August, 2018

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