Fresh Mex's Nier Automata (PS4)
[August 30, 2018 11:59:46 PM]
The first 30 minutes of the game are honestly terrible due to the lack of ability to save, obtain items, or move freely, and the camera is frankly horrible, but everything else about the game is sparing it from my 'instant shit-list', which is to say games which immediately piss me off and recieve only my joking attention instead of any serious interaction.
I must say that the characters have instantly piqued my attention, with 2B's no-nonsense exterior seemingly hiding a rebellious interior, and the combat is so fluid and satisfying that it almost feels like a more mobile, faster paced version of Bloodbourne.
Concluding Thoughts: This game has grabbed my attention in a way I haven't felt since I played Zero Escape, a fantastic game which I'm seeing many similarities to this game with in the story already. I am excited to continue playing.
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Fresh Mex's Nier Automata (PS4)
Current Status: Playing
GameLog started on: Thursday 30 August, 2018